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Mobile Tech Glossary

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- bandwidth - The amount of data that can be sent over a given network connection. Used to describe the "speed" of a connection between two br/br/ ...

- Beaming - Method to transfer files from one device to another. See Bluetooth and Infrared....

- BenQ - BenQ is a Taiwanese electronics manufacturer that creates products ranging from DVD burners to monitors and digital cameras. The company also manufactures mobile phones for the Asian market, and had ...

- bit - A binary digit that stores a value of 0 or 1. 8 bits make up a Also known as: "bits" br/br/ ...

- Bit-rate - The speed at which bits are transmitted over the physical layer, also called signaling rate. This is different from throughput, which is an end measure of network speed. ...

- Blackberry - Produced by Research in Motion a Blackberry is a handheld wireless device providing e-mail, telephone, text messaging and web browsing and other wireless data access....

- Blog - A weblog, usually referred to as a 'blog' is like an online diary. A website, supporting a blog, displays the written entries to the journal in reverse chronological order. Blogs offer world news, p...

- Bluetooth - Bluetooth is a wireless technology developed by Ericsson that is designed to be a cable replacement. It operates on the 2.4GHz frequency band, like WiFi, and is officially known as IEEE standard 802....

- Bluetooth profile - In order for two (or more) Bluetooth devices to be able to work together to accomplish a given task, such as file sharing, they need to both support the appropriate profiles. The Bluetooth SIG has de...

- Bluetooth Special Interest Group - The Bluetooth Special Interest Group, or SIG, is the governing body that controls the official specifications of the Bluetooth wireless technology. This not-for-profit entity is comprised of over 700...

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