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janewilfred / ID:2850597

Paul Hills 52 M
Brooklyn,NY, USA

Im a God fearing Man, Hard working and I love to read beautiful things about the world. I'm gentle a

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More About janewilfred
janewilfred is of white / caucasian origin, straight, single, religious, living alone and has 1 child. He has graduated from college.

He is normal weight, 6' - 6' 3" (183cm - 190cm) tall, has brown eyes and average body

Just a cool headed guy, with good sense of humor okay more details >>

Comments (2)

3mel - 17.01.20 01:02am
a man called Paul Hills just upped and decided to use the tag 'Jane Wilfred'... well OK then

chiredbird30 - 6.07.19 02:35pm
WelCome Sweetie:-)


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