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sophia2016 / ID:2816937

Sofi S 28 F
Ireland/ Sweden, Europe

If your nice il be nice back:) if your a I aint gona entertain you

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More About sophia2016
sophia2016 is of white / caucasian origin, Bi, in a relationship, atheist, living with her roomate and wants to be a mom one day. She has graduated from university.

She is 5' - 5' 3" (152cm - 160cm) tall

Swedish born, but living in Ireland! Any other Q just ask! more details >>

Photos (1)



Star Sophspics join
For my eyes & those I trust


Comments (11)

nichick - 10.02.22 10:58am
Wow at the rude pic

sophia2016 - 12.10.20 12:00pm
Eh what paul?

paulypocket - 12.10.20 02:43am
Looks a bit like you tbh sh*g (lol)

shagnty - 8.08.20 09:12pm
Very stunning sexy as all fck what a lovely looking female you are

sophia2016 - 30.08.19 02:27pm
If you say so:)

sophia2016 - 22.01.19 11:46pm
No not mad confused???

sophia2016 - 17.01.19 10:25am
Awe billy:) xx

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