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quietjen / ID:2617323

31 F
Edinburgh, UK

Smile and the whole world smiles with u x x x

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More About quietjen
quietjen is of white / caucasian origin, Bi, single, atheist, living with her roomate and wants to be a mom one day. She has graduated from college.

She is normal weight, 5' 3" - 5' 7" (160cm - 170cm) tall, has hazel eyes and average body
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Photos (21)

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Comments (23)

reh040 - 17.10.17 08:17am
U looking great, I mean more then beautiful

vijayba - 20.09.17 11:00pm
Awesome pic..looks beauty

tinaslave - 20.02.17 12:44pm
u look so sexy jen x

beachy34 - 12.11.16 11:06pm
wow, lurrrrvlllly x

gothjodie - 10.04.16 12:42am
boo xx

ygt78 - 18.03.16 02:49am
How you doing tonight sweetheart X

madingo1 - 4.03.16 12:10am
eooooo what a beauty i love it

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