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liznyce / ID:2462288

39 F
Nairobi Kenya, Africa

u must hav a profile pic to bud me

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More About liznyce
liznyce is of black / african origin, straight, single, believer, living alone and wants to be a mom one day. She has graduated from college.

She is normal weight, 5' - 5' 3" (152cm - 160cm) tall and has brown eyes

Looking for mature loving and caring gentlemen 30+ for friendship and love. more details >>

Photos (4)

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Comments (12)

javilah - 4.06.12 09:00pm
ur beutifull

whycky86 - 14.05.12 03:21pm
I like da complex bodwise

liznyce - 13.05.12 06:22pm
Thanks guys

villamax - 10.05.12 12:10pm
U lukin hot jo!

stanosh - 1.05.12 05:44am
Nic n xexy figure s8 mwaaa!


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