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nyaxxy / ID:2048869

Victor jr Bulla 31 M
Lilongwe, Africa

Whats app me +265881629502 Facebook: Vic Bulla Yung ju

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More About nyaxxy
nyaxxy is of black / african origin, straight, single, religious, living with his parents and wants to be a dad one day. He has graduated from university.

He is normal weight, 5' 3" - 5' 7" (160cm - 170cm) tall, has blue eyes and average body

I'm lovin',carin' down 2 earth younq niqqa. Get 2knw me,im sensitive n' handsome :-) more details >>

Photos (9)

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Star ThankGod4makingU join
Welc*m to ma world


Comments (2)

yomi09 - 4.01.12 03:47am
Yes man,hw's l cty?

nyaxxy - 11.12.11 02:05am
Fyn boi


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