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piperlez / ID:1363046

Angel Heaven 45 F
South Africa, UK

I just me

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More About piperlez
piperlez is of white / caucasian origin, gay, single, believer, living with ? and has 1 child

She is normal weight, has green eyes and slim body

I work realy hard in my life and hate fake peaple and hate peaple who don't cares so peaple like that don't bother me thankS more details >>

Photos (15)

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Comments (7)

piperlez - 23.08.18 08:24pm
Oh thanks alot sis sugaware I really glad

sugawara - 23.08.18 07:46pm
I care for ya so so much (hug)

sugawara - 17.08.18 06:51pm

xgulnazx - 31.08.17 11:33pm
missing my loving friend from along while

4tina - 22.04.17 10:21am
hi sweetheart,u sent me a bud request,u seem a very nice gal.but im straight babe,i normally just delete females.n guys lol but just u seem a very nice gal.hope u find someone who makes u happy x

911bunny - 1.07.14 06:31pm

angellez - 1.07.13 12:30pm
I miss you too darling xx


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