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* cheddar5 > Individual

* Interests
computers, old computers, new computers, working computers, broken computers, slow computers, fast computers. wow i have alot of interests

* Makes Me Happy
food, LAN, food at LAN, uhm uhm, cant think of anything else, easy to please i guess

* Makes Me Sad
animal crualty, seeing homeless ppl, poverty in africa, o no wait thats not my profile, darn

* Good Habits
are you kidding me? this space is waaaaay to small to list my good habits

* Bad Habits
trowing wet newspaper balls onto ppl from the 5th floor at the mall is a bad habit, good thing i dont do it then, and vanity is also a bad habit, good thing im....... You get the picture

* Profession
more of a work than a profession, i miss the good old days of picking up loose change off the sidewalks

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