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sharkies / ID:305956


26 M
Sydney The Shire, Australia

love reneekat but she's just mean, sharkies81@gmail.com

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* How 2change yr imel# (19)
* R these s40 phones (1)
* 6233 vs 6151 (11)
* 6233 software (2)
* 3220 info (14)

* so is it any good then how much memory does it ... >>
* did you try turning it off and on again >>
* Free up some memory how much memory do you have >>
* the N73 is a better phone >>
* how much memory do you have free >>

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Comments (11)

sharkies - 6.03.14 12:16pm
thanks for your message

nokiae75 - 2.03.14 12:18pm
Come on now. Don't post so many questions learn to search yourself for the answers (good)

sharkies - 10.12.12 02:52pm
i didnt see your message before

370455v - 23.11.12 02:25pm
dude I'll help you

370455v - 22.11.12 06:00am
hey mate, easy on all the questions in forum. learn to search.

sharkies - 31.12.11 09:05am
HELLO is this in bold text

sharkies - 31.12.11 09:03am

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