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kylie.sa / ID:313019

Kylie Logan 33 F
East London, Africa

Im just a girl looking for a boy, a boy that would...

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* Watz ur fav genre (81)
* Best KC song (2)

* it may because we knew those songs longer, ... >>
* push and shove - no doubt >>
* someone like you - adele, since u been gone - ... >>
* Omw, u hav a beautiful voice, nice song. ;) >>
* walk of shame - pink >>

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Comments (4)

figtree - 9.10.12 11:48pm
If u need a friend or someone to talk to, I'm here. (smile) squirrel-holding-a-flower_www_61p_net.jpg

byron.x - 18.09.12 07:03am

kethy - 6.05.12 11:05pm
I luv u babe

sizakom - 4.05.12 11:52pm
Come to me.


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