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charlib / ID:850760

Charlie Brown 53 M
leeds, UK

A thing of dreams to some a nightmare to others!! Pip pip

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* sa ay night (40)
* Dating on ere (106)
* time scales (29)
* Date!!?? (16)

* Rather high heel thigh boots grin >>
* Erm ok confuse >>
* It's human nature to judge, it's how we form an ... >>
* I reckon he's been banned from chat pmp <a href="../../forums/oku2_4.asp?sid=&forum=dating&id=5055425">>></a><br/>

<img src="../../forums/images/post.gif" alt="*"/> Am always nice <img src= >>

< Forums

Comments (7)

irnbrux - 16.05.12 07:48pm

1jaydeen - 18.03.12 01:03pm
Oh shurrup Bec (facepalm)

xbeltax - 8.02.12 06:50pm
Am ere n so are you. Its life, no big plan, oh wait til my digestives c*m owt u best plan to run like lmao

irnbrux - 15.01.12 06:02pm

alylala - 4.01.12 02:51am
ewok.jpgyou in ya blacks (pmpl)

mordant - 2.01.12 10:35pm
..........e5lajb.jpg .....(thumb_up)

irnbrux - 13.12.11 08:25pm


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