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mandym.sa / ID:2832717

Mandy 75 F
South Africa, Africa

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Comments (22)

786memz - 19.05.20 09:23pm
Very beautiful

mandym.sa - 4.07.18 08:38pm

six - 4.07.18 08:33pm
(hug) U great person U xx

six - 16.05.18 09:35pm
Nothing wrong with taking food pics mandy (smile2)

mandym.sa - 13.04.18 07:11pm
lol I have a habit of taking pictures of my food.

mandym.sa - 12.04.18 08:31am
(lol) you need to be more adventurous.

mandym.sa - 14.03.18 12:57pm
totally :) well for the ones worth keeping at least.

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