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chantle / ID:1097678

31 F
sa.cpt, Africa

lovin very happy,check owt my wapsite hpe 2hear 4rm yal son

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Comments (6)

leveller - 3.11.12 11:22pm
so beautiful and so very cute.

chantle - 22.05.12 08:14am

snyers - 25.04.12 11:14pm
cute and s*xy

chantle - 25.01.12 12:53am
and i dnt belng to u or to any1 ok. Iam a persun not a object

chantle - 25.01.12 12:52am
plz leav me alne i want ntng to do wid u

chantle - 10.01.12 02:57pm
what you mean you dnt even chat to me


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