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Samsung m610 for sale on Sprint Nextel website


Apparently, the newest addition to the Sprint Nextel online store is the thinnest clamshell in the US (according to Sprint), the Samsung m610. We showed you leaked photos of this handset back in late August. Surprisingly enough, the non-blurry pictures also came with a nice list of features and a Sprint logo on the front of the phone, so everybody knew where it was heading.

The half an inch thick Samsung m610 features a QVGA internal display 2.0 megapixel camera and video camcorder, microSD card slot with a 64MB card included in the box, Bluetooth, speakerphone and voice recognition.

The m610 is available for USD179.99 after a USD150.00 instant savings and a two-year contract.
11/24/2006 6:10:00 PM
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