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Samsung makes early exit from low-end phone market


I guess when you know what you do well, you should stick with it. That appears to be the philosophy with Samsung, which has apparently given up on the el cheapo range of the cell phone market, refocusing their attention on ''mid-end business phones'' and smartphones. While they may not be particularly well known for the latter, the company is well respected for the former. They still fully intend in making a splash in emerging markets like India and China, but they will be doing it with some more powerful handsets catering to ''fashion-conscious consumers.'' What this means, for India in particular, is that they'll be offering more multimedia, more ''stylish exteriors'', and more ''cutting edge features.''
10/17/2006 5:55:41 PM

1Samsung SGH-T629 calling and messaging phone
2Samsung SGH-i520 smartphone runs on Symbian OS 9.2

7Samsung Phones News

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