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A genie in your cell phone?


The commercial application of software robots is not far away, according to the The Korea Times, writing about Prof. Kim Jong-hwan of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, who is incorporating genies or more accurately, software robots into cell phones.
''Kim and his associates started the project together with Samsung Electronics, in early 2005, and they have made considerable progress.

The professor gave a glimpse of what is in store, a three-dimensional avatar will be inside the cell phone and adjust itself to the characteristics of the cell phone owner. ''It would be just like a sophisticated creature living inside a mobile phone,’’ Kim said. ''An owner will be allowed to set its first personality through defining the underlying DNA.

However, it is up to the avatar how its personality develops in tune with responses of the owner. Its personality can head either way _ getting better or worse _ depending on how people treat it.’’

For example, Kim said people will be able to deal with loneliness felt by the avatar, which will pop up on the phone monitor, by gently touching pre-set buttons. Should the owner refuse to respond to the signal, the avatar will change its behavior either to express such feelings more often and overtly or just become depressed, according to Kim.
The compelling avatar, which will be available in the not-so-distant future, corresponds to the original idea of Kim - the genie that folks can conjure up at any time and at any place.''

September 15, 2006


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