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Subject: Easiest way to snd req to a stranger in
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tamker 18.12.12 - 05:05pm
this is for those pplz who found very difficult to send req to some beautifull persons coz of fb blocking since they myt miss the mutual contact r myt sme common datas.

This is nt a technical one. Its an easy n dont lauf after hearin this.

1. Go to the profile u wana send req..whick fb nevr allows u to send req which mark u as a stranger to that person

2. Now get a single data.. Eiethr the college studied or the hometown of that person from their profile.

3. Now just edit that colg name r the town name for few min .

4. Send the req now.. No pblm .. It will.. Now aftr sndng d req again change ur profile details.. Simple.. Hehe *

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