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Subject: why some women just don't enjoy s*x
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cnc1 21.06.12 - 08:15am
Atom 0.3 Why some women just dont enjoy s*x June 21, 2012 at 7:36 am by Editor MOST men dream of having s*x the way they do in movies. But for some women, s*x is a nightmare. Most women we spoke to do not like s*x and say it is boring, painful, repetitive and dirty, among other things. They use it justto hold on to and make their men happy. Some women claim to have a headache when its time for s*x, while others pretend they are too tired. What is going on? Is there something our men are not doing right? Yes, says Priya Naidoo, a s*x expert. Most men do not know that in order for a woman to enjoy s*x, her body needs to be ready. Not justmentally or emotionally ready, but physically and biologically ready too. Naidoo says some partners dont bother to nurture their women mentally, emotionally or physically. They justwant to satisfy their own needs. That is why it is easy for a man to sleep with a prostitute or a helper he has no feelings for, than it is for a woman to justpick any man, Naidoo says. She says another big problem is that many men are not aware of certain things women feel uncomfortable about while having s*x. Many women dont enjoy s*x because they were s*xually abused in childhood, or raped in adulthood. Naidoo adds that in some societies s*x is presented as being disgusting, dirty, ungodly and immoral. She says she finds this mostly in religious couples. The majority of the women who come to me for help are religious women who have rigid ideas about s*x. Some think it is dirty while others think that it is only men who are meant to enjoy it. Others feel s*x is primarily for reproduction and that pleasure is a by-product. She says there are also medical reasons why some women do not enjoy s*x. Some women suffer from what is called Female s*xual Arousal Disorder, which leads to lack of libido. She says conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disease, anaemia, childbirth, hormones, lack of sensation due to decreased muscle tone, painful intercourse, menopause, hysterectomy, and any medical problems that affect the s*x hormones can result in a decreased s*x drive. She adds that ageing, inadequate or ineffective foreplay, depression, poor self-esteem, s*xual abuse, feelings of shame or guilt about s*x, fear of pregnancy, stress and fatigue, unhealthy diets, excess weight or obesity, stressful lifestyles, depression, anxiety and other emotional problems, or a combination of physical or psychological factors also affect s*xual desire. Who Is affected by s*xual dysfunction? Both men and women. s*xual problems occur in adults of all ages. Among those commonly affected are the elderly, which may be related to a decline in health associated with ageing. But Asiphe Ndlela, a psychologist, ties lack of s*xual interest to a womans relationship with her partner. Ndlela says men need a place for having s*x, women need a purpose. Female s*xuality is complex. At its core is a need for closeness and intimacy. Women also have physical needs. When there is an emotional or physical problem, they can have s*xual problems. She says lack of interest in s*x can also be triggered by family problems, illness or death, financial or job worries, in-law problems, childcare responsibilities, managing a career and children, previous or current physical and/or emotional abuse, past history of s*xual abuse, fatigue and depression. For women, the inability to become physically aroused during s*xual activity often involves insufficient v*ginal lubrication, she says. The inability to become aroused also may be related to anxiety or inadequate stimulation. In addition, researchers are investigating how blood-flow problems affecting the v*gina and may contribute to arousal problems. Ndlela says the biggest problem is that most men get s*x education from their friends, TV and movies. She says in movies, women are portrayed as objects that justget aroused without proper stimulation; who have swift s. leads single men to believe that other men are getting a lot of s*x. And they wonder why they arent getting it. In normal lives, s*xuality is far different from how it is portrayed in and they fail to understand this. She says women are much more interested in romance and relationship than in casual intercourse. And while some women love s*x (sometimes more than their partners) surveys show that they typically enjoy s*x less than men do, and want far fewer partners. Although most womens s*xual responsiveness peaks in the late 30s and early 40s, a woman can have satisfying s*xual experiences throughout her life. The quality of her experiences is affected by individual differences, by life situation, by age and hormonal levels, and by overall health and well- being. Is there hope for women affected by s*xual dysfunction? Ndlela says psychological counselling can play an important part in treating women with s*xual problems, as can coaching in s*xual foreplay and stimulation techniques. *

pajat75 29.08.13 - 08:47pm
ya some women do. they take men as gigolos to satisfy their s*xual urges, like they say Friends With Benefits. Its a mad, mad world. and after that they blame men for everything. OMG *

auditor03 15.09.14 - 02:10pm
Nice talk,I gain something from this. *

kaybimzy 15.09.14 - 08:28pm
nice talk *

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