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Should-You-Fear-Hell - Topics

* Should-You-Fear-Hell > Topics

Subject: Wot did Jesus teach about hell
Replies: 11 Views: 907
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unquiet1 31.03.11 - 01:54am
is the eternal fire Jesus warned of literal or symbolic?

Note that the eternal fire mentioned by Jesus and recorded at Matthew 25:41 was prepared for ''the devil and his angels.'' Do you think that fire can burn spirit beings??

Or was Jesus using the term fire symbolically?
Certainly the ''sheep and the ''goats'' mentioned in the same conversation are not literal; they are word pictures that represent two types of ppl.(read this in matthew 25:32,33).

The eternal fire that Jesus spoke of completely burns up the wicked in a figurative sense. *

unquiet1 31.03.11 - 01:56am
in wot sense do the wicked 'go off to eternal punishment'?

Although most translations use the word ''punishment'' at Matthew 25:46, the basic meaning of the Greek word 'kolasin' is ''checking the growth of trees'' or pruning, cutting off needless branches. So while the sheeplike ones receive everlasting life, the unrepentant goatlike ones suffer ''eternal punishment'' being forever cut off from life.

unquiet1 31.03.11 - 01:57am
Wot do you think?

Jesus never taught that humans have an immortal soul. However he often did teach about resurrection of the dead(see luke 14:13,14; John 5:25-29; 11:25). Why would Jesus say that the dead would be resurrected if he believed that their souls hadnt died??

unquiet1 31.03.11 - 01:58am
Jesus did not teach that God would maliciously torture the wicked forever. Rather Jesus said: God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16, NAB)
Why would Jesus say imply that those who did not believe in him would die? If he really meant they would live forever, suffering misery in a fiery hell, would he not have said so?

unquiet1 31.03.11 - 01:59am
The doctrine that hell is a place of fire torment is not based on the Bible. rather, it is a pagan balief masquerading as a Christian teaching. See the topic A Brief History of Hell

No. God does not torture ppl eternally in hell. How can learning the truth about hell affect your attitude towards God? see this topic next

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