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AniMaLwiThiN - Topics

* AniMaLwiThiN > Topics

Subject: whAt the Martialarts are NOT!
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scra 19.01.11 - 10:45pm
1. A religion.
I am a christian en as such i get alot of negativ criticzm 4 practicin m.arts.mostly frm atha*so calld*christianz(i say so calld bcoz real christianz knw nt 2 judge athaz)worse off these ppl knw nothin bwt th m.arts neyway.th main argumnt dat these ppl hv z am christian en am nt supoz 2 b learnin hw 2 harm ppl or that am practicin sme form of evil occult!th c me meditatin 4 exmple en th go*oh,his prayin 2 his god again*.th m.arts ur lyk an iceberg,en these ppl lyk mst of th genral public only notice th top of this iceberg,beneath th surface of th water z a larger part of this iceberg. Th *oc*(occult) theory hz cme bwt bcoz many ppl link th m.arts 2 lao tse(he wz 1 of th early foundrz of m.arts),a man belivd 2 hv strtd taoism(so ppl think by learnin a m.art u ur practicin taoism).lao tse cn b lyknd 2 as jesus z 2 christianity.jesus realy daz nt hv much 2 do wit christianity,he wz nt a christian!by th sem token lao tse wz nt a taoist!taoism wz inventd due 2 hz writingz jus as christianity wz inventd based upon wat jesus taught.mreova,th taoist priests who came afta lao tse did nt wish 2 fyt any1...2 round it up witowt writin a whol buk.read matthew15vs11.(t z nt wat goez in that defilez a man,bt wat cmez owt) *

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