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Subject: Adult (18+)
Replies: 9 Views: 840
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kevon123 23.11.10 - 03:51pm
here is where you all express yourself talk s*x,etc dont be shy just express yourself here to your own comfort everyone have fun diccusing whatever on your mind here *

karla51 14.12.10 - 01:05pm
s*x is great and wonderful! Created for us to enjoy, by the almighty. But many ppIe have taken it out of context and has lowered its standards, and has likened it to that of the animal, from what it was originally designed to be. Now pple r having s*x in public places now! Can u imagine!! Its dignity is gone. We r now in a world of s*xual explosion. *

karla51 14.12.10 - 01:22pm
Now a days when a boy look at a girl, he sees a s*x object. She is like a s*x machine, to be turned on any time he desires to fulfill all his whims and fancies. Gone is the tender loving care and respect. And replace that now is l*st and lots of s*x with out love. Can u imagine? *

karla51 14.12.10 - 01:44pm
Its just s*x and more s*x. s*x in the dance hall on stage, oral s*x,s*x doggie style etc. My God! What a disgrace! Two pple naked on a stage, that are not even lovers, performing various s*xual acts moaning and climaxing for every one to see! And are with out shame. Pple are on the street in carnival, gyrating and having s*x at the same time. How cud this be right! *

karla51 14.12.10 - 01:53pm
I dont know why pple r treating s*x with such scant regard. Having s*x in clubs and in the dance halls for everyone to see, and much to the delights of many. I have never seen it, cos l dont go to such places but its very hard to come to grips with such situations. *

karla51 14.12.10 - 02:21pm
s*x is great! Its lovely and its wonderful, when its done by two pple, who love, care and are committed to each other. Yes two pple in love expressing their love for each other and not every d*ck, tom or joe. Two pple in oneness and togetherness, two hearts beating as one, two bodies entwined together as one in sweet, beautiful lovemaking. Two captivating minds, that r soul mates engaged in a romantic, s*xual embrace that that reaches far beyond the sky floating on cloud nine, mmm thats so ecstatic and oooh so heavenly. It knits souls and hearts together piercing even the bones, everything is included, and all intact. Wrapped and covered so divinely in love sweet love. That is how it was meant and designed to be! *

karla51 16.12.10 - 11:15pm
I would really appreciates, if everyone wud add their comments and let us all reason together ok. Have a great evening! *

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