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Subject: Are you worthy?
Replies: 6 Views: 794

fmdracul 13.12.07 - 10:56pm
Do you find that you l*st blood when you awake at night? Does light burn your flesh like nothing else? Do you think that there is something different about you that no one understands? Do you find that you do not fit in to this modern world because you find that everyone is a part of one big machine that drives them to believe that if they behave and do as they are told everything will be ok and some higher being will give their pityful lifes a better existance after death? The truth is that there is no such being and whilst they are all doing as eachothers told following their fashion icons and designer brands, we can see what they truly are... One big herd. We treat them just as they act... Cattle. Do you believe you are worthy of joining a cult that has been established for almost a thousand years? If you are contact me and I may set you on your path to the true meaning of your existants. We are the the ones that have lived in the shadows for far too long and the time has come to make a stand and bring all of us together. Brothers and sisters after acceptance and initiations you will all feel fulfilled and be given a meaningful life *

redranka 5.02.08 - 08:27am
Im more than worthy.I've been hiding in the shadows for years and i think its time....time to reveal myself and reunite with my brothers and sisters *

rvampr 20.03.08 - 07:42pm
Greetings *

xmooglex 22.10.08 - 03:08am
What of those who can never find a place to feel excepted? We all have our secrets. *

lordkid 7.02.10 - 10:27pm
As a goth ive tried 2 kill myself 4 times.basically one may tink im sick or s*ck at suicide.bt nobody really understands me.wat do u tink of me. *

sxyness 20.02.10 - 12:58am
That ure crazy lol *

ravennyt 26.03.10 - 04:50am
Dracul eres a question 4 u? R u worthy? *

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