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i_am_ur 30.10.10 - 03:49am
hmmm! yummyy! n vl try khanay ki loL cola.GIF *

shonu77 1.11.10 - 05:22am
Hmm yummy mouth watering casi i ll try it 4 sure yara thanx 4 shairing *

cascad18 1.11.10 - 05:40am
thanks both of u for liking this reciepe ..sure shonu try it *

swtzainb 1.11.10 - 07:46am
ummmmBbq.GIF....lgta hai ..kfi mzey ki dish h0 g...bt...menu burgr changa nai lgdaa...sad *

cascad18 1.11.10 - 07:51am
zainy its totly change reciepe try it ..mujhay yaqeen hay is kay baad tumhay burgr bhe achhay lagnay lagay gain happy.GIF *

swtzainb 8.03.11 - 02:52pm
Turkish Pulao/Pulav is a neat little rice recipe which is easy to prepare and requires less ingredients. Turkish Pulao/Pulav sports a little sweetish and spicy, yet delightful taste. Turkish Rice can be had without Raita.
Turkish Pulao/Pulav

Turkish Pulao/Pulav

Pulao Ingredients:

* Rice 1 cup
* Tomato 2 medium sized
* Onion 1
* Jaggery 3-4 tsp
* Groundnuts or Cashew Nuts 1/2 cup (better to use Groundnuts, but I have used Cashews)
* Garam Masala Powder 1 tsp
* Chilli Powder 1 tsp
* Turmeric Powder 1/4 tsp
* c*min Seeds / Jeera 1 tsp
* Oil + Ghee or Clarified b*tter 2 tsp
* Salt

How to Prepare:

1) Cut Onions length wise (like you would for say Onion Pokada).Chop the Tomatoes. Keep aside.

2) Wash Rice well with water. Pour out the water completely. Keep the washed wet Rice aside.

3) Have a bowl, mix chopped Tomatoes with Jaggery, Turmeric Powder, Garam Masala, Chilli powder and Salt. Leave in the bowl for 2-3 min to marinate properly.

Here I have used Jaggery to obtain the slight sweet taste of this Pulav/Pulao. Never use Sugar; it does not give good taste.

4) In a pressure cooker container, have Oil and Ghee. Heat until the Ghee melts.

Add Jeera and fry for a min. Then add chopped Onions from Step 1 and fry until it turns light golden brown.

5) At this stage, add Groundnuts and fry until the Groundnuts change color and are fried well. Then add marinated Tomato masala (Step 3) and fry until the Tomatoes are cooked properly.

6) Add washed and drained Rice (from Step 2) and fry until the Rice turns a little thick. This may take about 2-3 min.

7) For 1 cup of Rice in the cooker add 2 cups of water to the cooker container, i.e., add water in 1:2 ratio.

8] Finally add Salt. Close the pressure cooker lid and allow the contents to cook.

For best results, when you hear the first whistle of the cooker, switch to low flame and heat for about 5 minutes. Then switch off and allow the pressure of the cooker to ease.

Once you open the cooker lid, add Coriander leaves and mix it well with Pulav/Pulao.

Turkish Pulao/Pulav is now ready to be served....

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