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k3k4s1h 12.04.10 - 01:46am


(courtesy of www.Sunnah.org)

Is there evidence for the celebration of Mawlid -- the Prophet's Birthday -- in the Qur'an and the Sunna? What do the Imams and scholars of the Four Schools say, and what about the contemporary Salafi scholars who forbade it on the grounds that it is an innovation, such as Albani, Bin Baz, al-Jaza'iri, Mashhur Salman, Uthaymin? What about those who celebrate Mawlid, but forbid people from standing at the conclusion of Mawlid for sending darud or salawat -- blessings and salutations -- on the Prophet, Peace be upon him? And what about the objections of some to using the phrase: As-salamu alayka ya Rasulallah (Peace upon you, O Messenger of Allah), and their claim that one cannot call the Prophet, peace be upon him, with the term ya, or O? *

k3k4s1h 12.04.10 - 01:47am

Proofs From the Qur'an and Sunna That Celebrating the Prophet's Birthday is Accepted in Sharia.
The Obligation to Increase the Love and Honor of the Prophet
The Prophet Emphasized Monday As the Day He Was Born
Allah Said: Rejoice in the Prophet
The Prophet Celebrated Great Historical Events
Allah Said: Invoke Blessings on the Prophet
The Effect of Observing Mawlid on Unbelievers
The Obligation to Know Sira and Imitate Its Central Character
The Prophet Accepted Poetry in His Honor
Singing and Recitation of Poetry
Singing and Recitation of Qur'an
The Prophet Allowed Drum-Playing For A Good Intention
The Prophet Emphasized the Birthday of Prophets
Why Bukhari Emphasized Dying On Monday
The Prophet Emphasized the Birthplace of Prophets
The Ijma of Ulama on the Permissibility of Mawlid
History of The Celebration of Mawlid
Earliest Mentions of the Public Mawlid
Ibn Battuta's Account of the Mawlid
Three Tenth-Century Accounts of the Mawlid
The Celebration of Mawlid in Islamic Countries Today
Ibn Taymiyya's Opinion on the Celebration of Mawlid and the Deviation of Salafis from his Opinion
Ibn Taymiyya's Opinion on the Meetings of Dhikr
Ibn Kathir Praises the Night of Mawlid
Asqalani and Suyuti's Fatwas on the Permissibility of Mawlid
Other Scholars' Opinions on the Mawlid
To Celebrate Mawlid Is Mandub (Recommended)

k3k4s1h 12.04.10 - 01:50am

Praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds, and Peace and Blessings upon His Prophet and Messenger Muhammad, his family and all his companions. In Islam there are two Ids, Id al-Adha and Id al-Fitr. Other celebrations, like Mawlid, are neither obligatory nor forbidden. However, we have come to a time in which we hear too much complaining about the remembrance of the Prophet's birthday, although there are more important matters that concern Muslims nowadays. We are living in a time when the enemies of Islam are destroying the Umma of the Prophet from within and without, without mercy, and there are now very few believers who are able to oppose them. We have reached a time of jahiliyya (ignorance) among the Muslims, so much so that the Truth has become a commodity and Falsehood has become the norm. Allah Almighty is ordering believers, Hold fast to the Rope of Allah and do not separate (Ali Imran 103). Yet in this time, more than any other time, we are finding that the attacks of our enemies are not the only cause of our suffering. Within our own home, the Umma is being attacked and harmed deeply by some people, whom we don't like to name but who are well-known. They are not happy to fight the enemies of Islam but instead find it necessary to fight Muslims and the community of believers throughout the Muslim world. Therefore I felt it was my duty to prepare a defense of the believers from the attacks of these Muslims, who have nothing to do while our enemies are rending the Umma, except to find fault with the beliefs of other Muslims. They take great pains to find anything that their scholars might consider doubtful as an excuse to deride and denigrate the faith of Muslims, calling them names like: mushrik, kafir, mubtadi. And they have nothing better to do than to change what Muslim scholars have accepted as correct for 1400 years, and to call it bida, shirk, and kufr!

To celebrate the Prophet's birthday is to celebrate Islam, because the Prophet is the symbol of Islam. Imam Mutawalli Sharawi said in his book, Ma'idat al-Fikr al-Islamiyya (p. 295), If living beings were happy for his coming (to this world) and every inanimate creation was happy at his birth and all plants were happy at his birth and all animals were happy at his birth and all angels were happy at his birth and all believing jinn were happy at his birth, why are you preventing us from being happy at his birth?

Therefore, and in order to defend the common Muslims and believers from such wrong and unacceptable accusations, especially in America and Canada, where there aren't enough knowledgeable scholars to answer these ignorant people, it is necessary to know the actual position of Islam on this, which is permissibility based on khilaf (divergence of opinions among the scholars), and no-one changes it to prohibition except the ignorant and the innovators. Insha Allah, I will present the facts and proofs relating to the celebration of Mawlid according to Qur'an and Sunna and the Scholars of Islam, with the intention of countering the criticism and questioning of some ignorant scholars who pretend to understand all of religion, and with the intention of sharing with others that understanding with which Allah has blessed the true scholars of Islam. Before going in-depth into explanations, I would like to present three statements:

1. We say that celebrating the Mawlid of the Prophet is acceptable, that to make gatherings for the hearing of his Sira (Life) and listening to Madh (Praise) that has been written for him is acceptable, and that giving food to people and bringing happiness to the Umma on that occasion is acceptable.

2. We say that the celebration of the Prophet's Mawlid must not only be on the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal, but can and should be on every day of every month in every mosque, in order for people to feel the light of Islam and the light of Sharia in their hearts.

3. We say that Mawlid gatherings are an effective and efficient means for the purpose of calling people to Islam and educate children, that these meetings give a golden opportunity that must not be lost, for every scholar and dai to teach and remind the Nation of the Prophet of his good character, his way of worshipping, and his way of treating people. This is a way to make children love and remember their Prophet, by giving them food and juice and gifts to make them happy. *

k3k4s1h 12.04.10 - 01:51am
Proofs From the Qur'an and Sunna That Celebrating the Prophet's Birthday is Accepted in Sharia.

The Obligation to Increase the Love and Honor of the Prophet

Allah asks the Prophet, Peace be upon him, to remind his Nation that it is essential for those who claim to love Allah, to love His Prophet: Say to them: If you love Allah, follow (and love and honor) me, and Allah will love you (3:31).

The Celebration of the Holy Prophet's birth is motivated by this obligation to love the Prophet, Peace be upon him, to obey him, to remember him, to follow his example, and to be proud of him as Allah is proud of him, since Allah has boasted about him in His Holy Book by saying, Truly you are of a magnificient character (al-Qalam 4).

Love of the Prophet is what differentiates the believers in the perfection of their iman. In an authentic hadith related in Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet said: None of you believes until he loves me more than he loves his children, his parents, and all people. In another hadith in Bukhari he said: None of you believes until he loves me more than he loves himself and Sayyidina Umar said: O Prophet, I love you more than myself.

Perfection of faith is dependent on love of the Prophet because Allah and His angels are constantly raising his honor, as is meant by the verse already quoted, Allah and His angels are praying on the Prophet (33:56). The divine order that immediately follows in the verse, O believers, pray on him, makes it clear that the quality of being a believer is dependent on and manifested by praying on the Prophet. O Allah! Send peace and blessings on the Prophet, his family, and his companions. *

k3k4s1h 12.04.10 - 01:51am
The Prophet Emphasized Monday As the Day He Was Born

Abu Qatada al-Ansari narrates in Sahih Muslim, Kitab as-siyam, that the Prophet was asked about the fast of Monday, and he answered: That is the day that I was born and that is the day I received the prophecy.

We quote again from Mutawalli Sharawi: Many extraordinary events occurred on his birthday as evidenced in hadith and history, and the night of his birth is not like the night of any other human being's birth. These events and the hadiths pertaining thereto, such as the shaking of Chosroes' court, the extinction of the 1,000-year old fire in Persia, etc. are related in Ibn Kathir's work al-Bidaya, Vol. 2, pages 265-268.

We quote from the book Kitab al-Madkhal by Ibn al-hajj (Vol. 1, p. 261): It is an obligation that on every Monday of Rabi ul-Awwal we increase our worship to thank Allah for what He gave us as a great favor--the favor of sending us His beloved Prophet to direct us to Islam and to peace... The Prophet, when answering someone questioning him about fasting on Mondays, mentioned: On that day I was born. Therefore that day gives honor to that month, because that is the day of the Prop... and he said: I am the master of the children of Adam and I say that without pride... and he said: Adam and whoever is descended from him are under my flag on the day of Judgment. These hadiths were transmitted by the Shaikhayn [Bukhari and Muslim]. And Muslim quotes in his Sahih, the Prophet said, On that day Monday I was born and on that day the first message was sent to me.

The Prophet emphasized the day of his birth and thanked Allah for the big favor of bringing him to life by fasting on that day as is mentioned in the hadith of Abu Qatada. This means that the Prophet was expressing his happiness for that day by fasting, which is a kind of worship. Since the Prophet emphasized that day by fasting, worship in any form to emphasize that day is also acceptable. Even if we change the form, the essence is kept. Therefore, fasting, giving food to the poor, coming together to praise the Prophet, or coming together to remember his good manners and good behavior, all of this is considered a way of emphasizing that day. (See also the hadith Dying on Monday below.) *

k3k4s1h 12.04.10 - 01:52am
Allah Said: Rejoice in the Prophet

THIRD: To express happiness for the Prophet coming to us is an obligation given by Allah through Qur'an, as Allah said in Qur'an: Of the favor and mercy of Allah let them rejoice (Yunus 58).

This order came because joy makes the heart grateful for the mercy of Allah. And What greater mercy did Allah give than the Prophet himself, of whom Allah says, We did not send you except as a mercy to human beings (Al-Anbiya' 107).

Because the Prophet was sent as a mercy to all mankind, it is incumbent not only upon Muslims, but upon all human beings to rejoice in his person. Unfortunately, today it is some Muslims who are foremost in rejecting Allah's order to rejoice in His Prophet. *

k3k4s1h 12.04.10 - 01:52am
The Prophet Celebrated Great Historical Events

FOURTH: The Prophet always made the connection between religious events and historical events, so that when the time returned for a significant event, he reminded his sahaba to celebrate that day and to emphasize it, even if it had happened in the distant past. This principle can be found in the following hadith of Bukhari and others: When the Prophet reached Madina, he saw the Jews fasting on the day of Ashura'. He asked about that day and they told him that on that day, Allah saved their Prophet, Sayyidina Musa and drowned their enemy. Therefore they are fasting on that day to thank Allah for that favor. At that time the Prophet responded with the famous hadith, We have more right to Musa than you, and he used to fast that day and the day preceding it. *

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