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Subject: KnoWiNg u!x
Replies: 12 Views: 1351
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jcrazy1 22.09.08 - 04:27pm
......but @tlist tha dude confesd!....woiee k u owed him 1 thea!!. *

histerdy 13.10.08 - 04:26pm
how do u kno u knw ur partner?cz evry1 hs secrets do we?bt we build rltnships whn we hv thngs in our hrts tht we only kn *

kantonna 25.10.08 - 06:47pm
Frankly Kabisa she only juaz kitu 10% 4 real.Unakiche am a laid-back dude secretive kushinda CIA pia its my njora kakinua au niaje maboyz? *

jcrazy1 21.06.09 - 10:00am
....yeaaa! *

ishaan16 22.08.09 - 11:53am
Hey hey, so much against men, huh? D'u hav enemity wiz us. I admit s0metimes secrets remain buried in our hearts. U kn0 y? Its just coz we're n0t like w0men n gurlz who just kip 0n blaberin' n ing all the secrets out. *

rosez90 10.09.09 - 03:03am
I gotta b honest witcha,i 1nce dated tis chiq hu at 1st sh kinda cul wit me being a college kid bt l8r sh cmes telz me we nid 2 part wez rison sh cnt w8 4 me 2 complete my studies nd scan 4 a job.i mean weaz the love.i js cleand up my closet 4 u nd tis is muth n thanks i get.lord hv mercy. *

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