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apostle4 12.06.09 - 09:14pm
Blessed be the name of God almighty for His immense mercy, forbearance, kindness, and incomparable love invested in the redemption of man, from the ignominious valley of woes and death, to the mountain of eternal peaceful life.
May the amazing grace of God be multiply to all nations and ages, in Jesus name.

The prophetic inscriptions of this inspired work is dedicated to all nations and ages.
It is a divine inspirational providence, directing universal attention to the bitter retributes of repudiations and alterations of God's unalterable laws (As contain in the holy book of God), in the human journey of womb to tomb;
That whoever is under the sway of deception or ignorance may behold the knowledge of God's finnal vengance against unrepented individual negligence to His moral rules of duties; If perhaps some may consider the great danger of the fate of unrepented ungodliness, in contrast with the future's eternal amazing glories of God's saints;
And thereby repent of their ungodliness, and safe their soul from the inevitable woes ahead of unrepented adjourners and forsakes of God's holy instructions.

The multiplex manifestation of God's grace - as cemented upon the eman ting rock of truth, are conceal in steadfast drill of this divine call of reformative duty.
Moreover, the content of this prophetic message is a sure access of eternal glory to who ever shall obey Its declearation, But a faithful witness against the soul of whoever disdain or forsake it, in the glorious and drearious day of God's finnal judgement.

I beseech the entire human race to appeal to this virtuous reformative call, Behold its glory, And be liberated from the fear of been a victim of the divine judgement ahead of the entire human race.
Be wise, and conserve the eternal peace of thy soul.


When the supreme legislative commitee of any nation lapse unadultrated ecclesiastical enactment, secular principles rise in alluring vestment of benevolence, and dominate the governing circle with overweening flatteries.
When a nation is govern by incessant secular enactment;
Idolatry, sodomy, and all forms of aborminable exertment wax strong.
When the aborminating arts of a nation wax strong to the intent of been characterize with license and trademarks, the divine grace of God will depart from her.
When a nation fall short of God's grace, she is expose to great dangers, streaming from economics and political turmoil to natural disaster, pestilences, and famine.
The greatest woes that await such an individual if they repent not of their ungodliness is said to be mark by irresistable agony withing God prepared eternal lake of consuming fire, against unrepented ungodliness - according to the book of life.

Such is the present condition of the world we live.
Ground atrocities - mark by God's holy instruction with unpraticable and uncompromizing ink, had been highly praticed and compromised globally, to the intent of license and trade-marks.
It was whispered to my hearing in a certain trance that most maghty nations had been weighed in a spiritual balance, fond wanting, and marked with the annihilating ink of sodom, if they repent not of their ungodlines - the certain element of deception, which they infar to be freedom of the will, alluring millions of souls to eternal doom.
The world is almost lost in the perpetual jungle of spiritual turmoil.
We have only chance of restoration to God's grace, which is to revive and firmly establish the abandoned moral institution of God as contain in the holy book of life.
The abandone moral institution of God can not be revived by philosophical, methodological, and secularistic intuations or whatsoever;
Though they serve confortable at this present limited age, Yet do they aggavate the risk of been on the dark side of eternal destiny, becouse of their insubordinate ties against God's rules of morality.
The only trustful moral institution that can successfully rescue our spiritually diseased world from all forms of limited and unlimited turmoil is the HOLY COMMANDMENT OF GOD, As paraphrase by our lord Jesus Christ in His sermon on the mountain; A sermon most remarkable amid theological and ecclesiastical history, most sumptuous eloquence of precceding and succeeding generations, characterized by Its minute paraphrase of the everlasting laws and prophets, to the plainest level of understanding, glowing with elegant inductions of providential benevolence, set at the cutting-edge of liberating innumerable souls from the sphere of despair to the realm of unbounded glory, dedicated to perpetual universal human race.
The commandment of God is the only trustful institution of moralities, where the children of light are thought and made perfect of the will of God in the life of mankind.
Whoever humbly inbue its heart and mind with the wholesome instructions of God's moral institution, shall be blessed mortally and eternally;
they shall lack nothing needful, been aid by the Creator and supreme ruler of heavens and earth;
They shall prosper in what ever they do, been under divine direction of the holy spirit;
Even the wrath of their enemy shall work good for them, as it is written: 'ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOD, ROMANS 8:28'.

Whoever despise the command of God inpregnate its own soul with lasting sorrow streaming into eternal doom;
Though they pile-up material treasure to the brim, and live sumptuously in this present temporary age, Yet it shall be ill with their soul in the days of eternity.
They shall be consume with endless agony withing the blazing lake of burning brime stones, for disdaining the holy instructions of God.

Whoever is destitute of bread and honour God's word, is better than whoever gain the whole world and disdain the laws of God.
Thus says the LORD:
Woe to them who forsake the instructions of their maker, and repent not of their ungodliness.
They shall die shamefully and resurrect to the resurection of shame and contempt.
Thus says the LORD of heavens and earth:
O ye creatures of mine, whom I created spontaneously in My Image and Likeness,
Oh that ye had heeded My word, thy peace would had flow like rivers of water.
Oh that ye will now hear the voice of My beloved Son, whom I offered for thy sacrifial attonement, that thou may behold eternal life of peace.
Oh that ye will now reconsider how genuine is My love for thee!
How fervent is the zeal of My beloved Son for the salvation of thy soul!
He Who knew no sin, Whom I gave up for thy redemption, in My hot love for thy salvation.
I gave Him up, of Its Own free will, to be betrayed, mocked, blasphemed, bruised, wounded, crusify, and died on calvery cross, for the redemption of thy soul fron hell to heaven.
But ye had cast down His word and forgoten His bitter sufferring for the salvation of thy soul.
These days I declear to thee, as I had allways said:
How I wish to gather thee together in My eternal kingdom of peace, but ye are unwilling.
Therefor thou are left to thy own desolution.
But will thou be made strong and prosperous?
Will thou be made perfect in profound wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of Me thy God, Who made thee by My hands, and inspired thee with breath of life?
Then heed these faithful words.I command thee to login thy soul, heart, mind, and strenght to the institution of My commandment; Be imbue wit Its wholesome instructions; Be healed of thy deadly wound; And conserve the eternal peace of thy soul. *THE AXIOMS OF PRATICAL UNGOLINESS* Beloved people of God, for whom Christ died, Sail with me in my rivers of maxim, with an eagle eyes, devoted heart, and open mind; That thou may be fit to comprehend the symbolic meaning of what you are about to hear and percive, as i take you from A to Z of my personer experience in the broad world of ungodliness. I was divinely instruct by the spirit of Almighty to write and foward this prophetic testimony to the ends of the world. It symbolize the fate of each an individual, of all nations and ages, denoting their just retributions and recompense, on account of vice and virtue. Therefor, ye who hear, open thy heart and learn from my experience, that ye may be transpire from the sphere of spiritual dubiousity to the realm of awereness; And not be lead astray by listless alluring element, concealed in spiritually sterile dogmas, whose eternal destiny law low in the ignominous lees of contemptuous agony and incessant mortification. When i was a child, i was the most beloved of my father amid eight sons, and the unbroken soul joy of my mother. Unlike king solomon the great, or other great thinkers, who adhere to parental and ecclesail moral instructions from birth to age of accountabilability, i was lead astray at the climax of teen, been allured by illicit love for money, and lascivious passion for pleasure. When i was seventeen years old, ignorantly bartered the vibrant knoweledge i imbibe from parantal and ecclesial moral instructions, for a vice vission of wealt acquisition via hook or crook. I was stained with multi-vice of infamy, bond with pejurious cord, under the shelter of illicious cupidity; Just to get rich and plunge deep into the oceans of voluptuousness. But it was to no avail. Contrary to my illicious luxuriant desire, i was foolishly sliding down to ignominious premature tomb. My vices of infamy were scrupulously secretive that they were know to nobody apart from accomplices. But didn't know they were lay bare in the Eyes of Him, Whose Eyes are witness of all deep and dark secrets of all generations. The grave tempest that arose (Kindle by unseen forces of nature, design for the cheastining of men, if perhaps they may acknowledge their errors, repent, and be delivered from the way of eternal doom) after that incautious silly transformation; irresistly wind me acrose my home land to a strange land, and caged me with those rejected by nations, who were ultraly wide in barbaric crimes, no longer fit to dwell in any free and fair community. *

apostle4 16.06.09 - 04:06am

It was at libya death-row that i began to reap the grievious wages of the vice i traded for virtue at my twenty third year.
I was cast into jail,
Sentence to death,
And placed under absolute isolation in an awaiting execution cell.
Been drowned to the lees of false hope, the tension of my conviction, 'As was ment to be marked by ignominious premature death' was not enough to knock-off the spiritual madness and grave fooly i imbued in the wilderness of ungodliness.

After my conviction on
23/08/2001, the fooly and spiritual madness began, As i vainly struggle to elope a divine orchestrated cage of chasti t with mere vice of inttelect.
During my first six year in Libya death-row, I tried all that could be done of vibrant physical and intellectual power, mixed with occutic and diabolic pratices, in a most ardent quest for escape.
But all effort blaze to no avail.
To my copious dismay, those intellectual falsification and occultic conjuration, which i masterly employed for emergence from an obscure shadow of death, fail to accomplish their call of duty.
Contrary to my illicit expectation, the things i employed for emergence becomes the instrument of drowning, deepning me deeper in the abyss mire of obscurity which i traded hard and long to elope.

That great fooly of my, when compare with the act of king soul - the first coronet king of Isreal, mark a great similarities.
His act of struggling to conceal and escape a divine punishment of transgression with a more aborminable act.

There exist a mysterious truth, oft conceal under staff of trustee.
It is the certainty that most people would rather conceal infamous act with a more atrocious act, with the aim of illicit skiping of due punishment as well as protecting stain of reputation.
Exanple, slaying to conceal adultery, rape, or robbery.
Such is one amid dozens of powerful vices of deception use by devil in sanking deeper in the mire of ungodliness, since the fall of man.

It came to me as it went to king soul and king david, though i'm no king.
It went ill with king soul at mount gilboa.
There he was doomed to death together with his three sons, same
day, 1samuel 31.
King soul died chiefly for playing the fooly of vain striving to elope a divine punishment of rebellious act with a more atrocious act.
When God could no longer commune with him, been boozed to the lees of trangression; He however abyss the dregs of delinquent by seeking direction in a medium
(1Samuel 28) been frighten by the offensive philistines military encroachment at shunem.
He was lost to the fact that consulting a medium was more atrocious, thus impregnating ample punishment than the present, which arose from his earlier avaricious ommision of JEHOVAH's command to annihilate the Amalikes (1Samuel 15); And the unworthy sacrifices he foolishly and fearfully offered at gilgal (1Samuel 13).

How many are they, born of woman, are able to resist the incredible force of that mysterious evil spell, which constrain great men to wash aborminable filth with atrocious water? *

apostle4 18.06.09 - 01:36am

From the tenth centuries
B.C to dawn of christain almanac, how many monarch may equal King David in regards to his remarkable humility, patriotism, and scrupulous allegiance to his invisable sovereign, as well as his exhuberant meekness to his subjects?
How many hero or sage had God ever named
'man after His own heart' 1SAMUEL 13:14?
Amid ancient monarchs and antique heros who may equal him of his inpenetrable foretress?
I certainly infer, 'If Darius and Nebochadnezzer were simultaneously fortified in the day of David, should they alley war agaist Jeruselem, they would had been embittered to the lees of despair, with the impetous annihilating exasperation of David and his divine sovereign.
They would had been mark with the memorial pen of Agag king of Amelek.

As mindful as David was, to God's law;
As fierce as he was at war;
Conquering beyond numeric, to the intent of been forbided by God in his ardent wish to build the temple of God, been drenched with the blood of innumerious atrocious men of valor and profane potentials, begining from Goliath the then world strongest giant;
Yet he was overwhelmed by that evil spell that constrain its victims to ablutionize aborminable filth with atrocious water.
Righteous as any saint may ever be, David twice spare the life of his bitterest enemy (King David) who drove him out of his father's land to the remotest part of wilderness, without any wrong.
Soul hunted David hither and thither with battalions of bloodthirsty barbaric warriors.
But contrary to the laws of war and nature, David went twice amid throng of bloodthirsty warriors,
(Who craveth for his death more than the long weary soul in a patched wilderness may ever crave for jar of fresh water.) at midnight while they were all deadlike in an uncommon sleep, been divinly boozed to koma; And David didn't lay those mighty hands of his (Which reap-off the head of the uncommon philistine warlord) upon soul - who desperately need him dead more than a fish in dry land may ever need rivers of water.
Who amid ancient warrior fond such uncommon and easy opportunity against his bitterest enemy and spare his life? An opportunity that neither demand bravery effort nor exhaustion of military might.
Been as righteous as he was, he foresaw the theory of MATTHEW 5:44 and applied it perfectly.
All he could kindly do was cut off the coner of soul's robe (1 SAMUEL 24), And took his jar of water and the spear which was stock beside soul's head, as a vindicating token to distigmatize the false felony stigma that place him on the list of most wanted terrorist.
As righteous as David was, he abruptly lapse into the irresistable alluring tone of demon, and murder a most zealous patriot in the coldest bloodiest manner of human history.
It was at the innocent life of Uriah the Hittite (The unsported patriot, whose inspiring sentiment and virtuous judgement are compressed in 2 SAMUEL 11:11) that king David got stained with aborminable filth and wash with atrocious water.
He breach the seventh commandment in the most valueable treasure of his patriotic subject.
As the conceal abornination cry out for justice, he silent it by desecrating the sixth and tenth commandment in the same vessel he previously defile the seventh commandment, just to becloud the rising sun upon a mere ignominious act.
But God who alone sees the deepest secrets of all realms, unvail the grave secret of David fooly by the mouth of prophet Nathan,
2 sameal chapter 12.
King David, unlike soul didn't seek a mediun while he was rebuke by the prophet, niether was his impetuous temper exasperated as were the custom of aristocratic monarch to who ever may dare reproach them of their evil deeds.
When the prophet rebuke echos accross his ears, he was heart wnged and abrupted from his spiritual vigor.
He sank to the dregs of acrimonious contrition in an unusaul humility befor the mesenger of his invisable sovereign.
He acknowledge how great was his fooly and arose above the decrepit sandaled by atrocity, with ultra mervel suplications of mercy and forgiveness from God the Most merciful. *

apostle4 18.06.09 - 10:31am

We catch glimpse of how precious and sincere were David contrition and repentance in psalm 51, which i consider as the prince of psalms, been characterize by its inffallible healing potency of a broken and contrite heart crushed by sin.
As great were the sin of David, much greater were the perpetual treasure he mind out of his fooly.
He deposited a million-fold of the damage of his fooly, which must remain precious till the end of mortality.
He was divinely forgiven of his atrocities resulting from his abject humility, intensed contrition, and extreem repentance.
Nevertheless, the child that issued from that atrocious encroachment died according to the prophet prediction.
For more information on the atrocious acts of King David;
His contrition and repentance, drill on
Second SAMUEL Chapters twelve and thirteen; Psalm chapter fifty one.

When all my occultic and intellectual vices fail their mission of rescure, i abrupt from the vigor of false hope and sand to the dregs of intensive sorrow.
I was at that moment ignited by the reality of my conviction into ominious acrimonius greavence, as systematically design by unseen supernatural forces, to someday somehow prey on whoever forsake the moral instructions of God, and repent not of their ungodly deeds.
I was gradually consume by unconsolable sorrow, been succumed under dreary pangs of premature death.
During those years of unconsolable anguish, dozens of death-row inmate were executed.
The reed that scorges my anguish soul tend thicker and tougher, as i glance through the 3x9 inch window of the 15 inch thick 4x6 feet rectangular concrete cell - a shadow view of inmate lead by guards to execution ground. The execution is located approximately 115 feets behind my cell.
The unusual thundering of the executing bombardment transcent the most minute fear to diresome soul calamity.
My name also appear in the yearly prisonal's executing shedule at the setting of 2005.
A duplicate of the supreme court's execution approval was given me by a delegate from the chamber of chief justice of libya.
The conclusion of the approval glinters with a soul scorging sentiments, compelling me to discouse my desired burial site (Of what would had be the wreckage of my bombarded lifeless copse) with my moral debased *

apostle4 19.06.09 - 04:26pm
Ambassador (Who was abandoned to avaricious ambition, been absolutely unworthy of a regal
staff - he never at anytime went nor sent emissary to inverstigate the cases of the seven Nigerians who were previously executed, and the thirty seven remaining in death-row, to verify how free and fair was the grave conviction impose on his unfurtunate subjects, in a nation vaporizing with atrocious and avarice police force, who are accustom to the barterring of innocent blood for higher office or rank promotion, whose victims are purely unfortunate black african immigrants, unregarded by their corrupt diplomatic sovereign - bond to avaricious ambitions) were mercy not granted by God Almighty-Almercy, Who freely delivered me from prin lities and powers, sternly devoted in the aim to see me dead.

At that point of time, i became more terified, hoping i'll be dead in the next forty five days.
Outside me was a licensed gunman, eagarly waiting for regal alarm, that he may smoke me off with twenty shorts, as was their dire custom of execution.

Withing me was the most troublesome question that stormed my heart all those dark days of despair, until the true light of glory shine upon me.
It was the inquiry of where will be the dwelling place of my soul, in the days of eternity, based on God's endtime irrevocable jurisprudence?
Heaven or hell was sounding lounder to lower deep in my heart!
When no answer was giving to that deep inquiry, it halted to abyss silent, and i frozzed like a lifeless corpse.
Like a coword, i was dieing every day.
Yes, i was dieing to live!

As the dire blazzing flame mitigate slowly to an ignominious tomb, i remember all potential virtuous i traded for vice.
All moral instructions i obtain from God's word, (which i disdained) echos lound and deep withing my broken heart.
Been thus agonised,
something strange uccur withing me.
A tiny tender voice (Which i later knew by revelation as the small voice Elijah heard at b) was communing a superconscious superphysical courage to my calamitous inner and outward man, say: ''Rise up, why are thou enfeebled by fear of untimely death?
Look-up to Him Who bear supreme authority over the hosts of heavens and earth!
Cry to Him for mency and forgiveness.
If thou will heed My voice, thou shall be decriminalized!
Thou shall surely live and testify of God's infinate mercy and supremacy''.
I ask the tender tiny voice, who are you?
I receive no answer, for the awe vioce was gone.
But It deposited something mysterious at the bank of my heart.
The mysterious deposite began to foster my calamitous soul with God's infallible elements of dileverance.
It impressed God's eternal word of rescue into the then miserable soul of mine, and revived me with three divine medications, extracted from God's infallible medicament fortress, as stated below:
Isaiah 1:18-19.


John 5:25.

Been inpregnated with the above soul healing medication, i revived from incessant sorrows and fear.
The unwanted pangs of untimely death which i traded long to divorce, could not stand the faith of the new development - under the supervision of those three infallible immaterial
That incessant pangs of death was compel to evaquate, and it truely dissociate my soul without further resistance.
I was forthwith re-expoused to a fresh tending hope, characterize by ''God will never fail to fulfill His promise, if we stand faithful to His instructions''.
My new immaterial
soul-bride cheered me into profound study of God's word (HOLY BIBLE), and bonded my spirit to zestful inspiration, ascending and decending those incomprehensive mountains and velleys of the sacred knowledge of God's supreme power and authority, as applied in the deliverance of those who trust in Him, even from grave trouble.
As i kept the study-fire flaming,
my bride guard me into steadfastness in fasting and prayers;
Suplicating days and nights for imbuement of holy spirit, As He promise would clad whoever shall abide in the word of His covenant till the consumation of mortality.
God heed my steadfast heartfelt suplications, and cultivated my heart with genius grain of understanding inculcated with dominating potentialities. *

apostle4 20.06.09 - 10:39am

As the genius grain blossoms and dominate, i was restored to a spiritual tune of mind and heart, branded with profound knowledge of God's perpetual agency in the affairs of humanity; especially that of His immutable jurisdiction, as applied to the agonized retributes of vice, and the glorious reward for virtue, in the entire flight from womb to tomb.

I'll not cease to thank and praise Him for the marvelous work He exerted in the redemption of my soul from unalterable misery, and my flesh and blood from the brutality of merciless despotic monarchy, whom are inexorable in their ungodly habituated acts of destruction.
Becouse of the inexpressible matchless grace He exerted in my life, my whole life is earnestly commited to the love labour of His ministry, with every available resources.

Exceedingly potent!
Marvelously sterling!
Much more realistic were His reformating energy in me!
He pick me up from a stenchy junk-yard of offal (Been bond by bitter brazen band, in ignomimous infamy), to the mountain of providential sainthood, for the admonition of perpetual human race, to the praise of God Almighty.

When i soar high to the mountain of truth, menditating on God's gracious services in the historical fall and rise of mankind;
From the blessed garden of Eden, to the present and future glory of zion;
From the ignominious point where man was repatriated to its native lifeless strata, to the gracious point at golgotha where the unapproachably eminent sacrificial blood was poured out for the resurrection of man from its native lifeless matter, to the eternal blessed kingdom of God Almighty;
I descended with the following sentiment:
If while i was His enemy (Been adamantly rebellious to His will), He delt so exceedingly gracious with me,
what measure of unspeakable glory do we suppose He had wrough in advance for his obedient subjects?
Whoever is wise, let him or her consider the magnificient kindness of God, in the historical and modern life of man, and give Him a matchless heartfelt praise.
As for me, as long as i live, my incessant vaporizing zeal to offer Him my body and soul - a living sacrifies of uncommon heartfelt praise, will never mitigate!
If the praise and honour of my Creator shall cost my life, i will gladly offer it. *

apostle4 21.06.09 - 04:54pm

Blessed be God, Creator of heaven and earth.
To Him alone belong all glory, honour, and exaltation.
Blessed are Thee O LORD! Great is thy infinate trend of mercy in human life and history.
Be Thou exalted!
Be Thou magnify!!
Be Thou glorify!!!

Be Thou exalted O lORD!
Non like Thee who may freely offer his beloved son as sacrifial lamb for the life of his obedience subjects, less for his rebellious servants.
Thank You LORD for making Your beloved Son (Who knew no sin) a sin sacrifice for the redemption of unprofitable universal sinners; So that through Him, whoever come to You shall have eternal peaceful life.
Blessed be Thy Son whose dominion endure forever.

Be Thou magnified O LORD!!
Thou had delivered my soul from the sword of sin, and my body from the distruction of unmerciful cruel despotism.
I wasn't impeccant, but You were pleased in Your unbounded benevolence to manifest in me - Your exceeding great mercy.
You kept me alive while i would had pass-away in shame.
Your tender mercy and kindness reclayed me into sainted vessel of signs and wonders, to the glory of Your holy Name.

Be Thou glorified O LORD!!!
Beside Thee, no king or god can invest such a magnanimous beneficence upon a faithful profitable servant, less unpon unprofitable repugnating rabel.
While i was then an aborminable and unprofitable servant in Thy just and holy sight, You were pleased in Your ever vaporizing zeal for the salvation of man, to invest such unspeakeable benefice on me;
You moved me out from frail shell of infamy, marked by incessant sorrows, to a rubost vessel of inspirational hope and providential vioce of reformation, to the benefit of human soul, in every nations and ages.

O Heavenly Father, You are my hope.
Strenghten and shelter me now till the end of my days on earth, to give absolute heed to your holy instructions.
I beseech Thee!
Father of infallible hope (In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ), Do not delay to materially manifest that which You had spiritually accomplished for me, and moved me out of this cage of death, by Your ever mighty hands of deliverance, that i may freely accomplish the Apostlelic and Prophetic ministry of my Lord Jesus Christ, with maximum signs and wonders, to the glory of Your holy Name.


The above hints of my diresome experience, divine mercy, and glorious restoration, symbolizes divine FATE of Nations and Ages, on account of unrepented ungodliness.
My childhood
life -experience (Been mom and dad most beloved) was marked by unbounded glory, parentally bestow, as the reward of been absolutely obedience to their instructions.
My childhood experience of unbounded glory, spiritually typifies the unlimited glory pre-commissioned by God, perpetually for whoever is, or shall be obedience and faithful to His holy instructions of moral duties.
The unlimited glory as
pre-commission by God for His faithful subjects, shall never ever be characterize by corruptive material or intellectual booty.
Material or intellectual booty are void of the elementary peace of the soul.
They are most oft gigantic snare, and enamour stumbling block to soul's eternal destiny.
It may seems as if they are proof of soul'r sterling success or extra benefice attach to the primal success of a perculiar soul; Yet they are void in the higher realm of eternal destiny.
The unbounded glory of God, as pre-commissioned for His faithful subjects are only to be characterize by incessant hope, joy, peace, and unbroken courage, which regards niether fear for evil nor of the future's mysterious retributes - as espouse to the mind of most influential figures of antique and modern generation.
Incessant courage, peace, joy, and hope can never be attain by material or intellectual booty, becouse they are the prime inducer of mind and soul into uninterrupted fear, which is a pest to the body of inffallible peace, hope, joy, and courage.
Unbroken peace, joy, hope, and courage are God's precious reward, conceal inside absolute obedience to God's word.
They are the ever valid conscious flight-ticket to heaven, and its eternal residential permit.
Blessed are those who sow the seeds of obedience to their maker, great is their eternal rewards.
Twice blessed are they, for they had overcome the evil of this age and the everlasting doom to be revealed in the later days.

My diresome experience in the abyss velley of despair, which was mark by unconsoleble grievence, and incessant pangs of premature death; Were my divine payment for an infatuated toil in the broad realm of ungodliness.
It signify the divine wrath and tribulations to be administered unto whoever doesn't consent to the holy instructions of God. *

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