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apostle4 22.06.09 - 05:50pm
Thus says the LORD:
''Inasmuch as the people I created in My Image and likeness had turn their back against My holy rules of conducts, which I gave them as perpetual bread of life, and eternal fountains of living water, by altering my unalterably laws;
I'll clad them with the wages of their evil deeds.
As they had undauntably alter and profane my rest which I hallow and sanctified from the begining, for perpetual generation; So shall I bitterly consume them in my furious indignation, when i visit them for their pride and avarice''.

Thus says the LORD:
''I created the earth as My holy footstool, and sanctified it for the glorious habitation of man.
But in their wickedness, they profane their habitation, and defile My holy footstool with the vile acts of sodom, and the aborminations of gomorrah.
I gave them time to repent from their ungodly deeds and return to My holy instructions of moralities, that they may be healed of their putrefying sours.
But they stiffen their heart and forsook their mercy.
Thefor speak to the end of the world, Declear to them, the FATE of their ungodly acts.
The water of universal oceans boils intensely!
The four winds of heaven are heated to highest centigrade!!
The earth quake trememdiously, It is ready to split and decimate the aborminable horder of ungodly souls!!!
These are the begining of the LORD's just vengence upon the wicked acts of mankind which they incessantly systematically
perpetrate against the two greatest commandments.
They left no part of the holy laws unviolated! Therefor their judgement is sure and shall overflow with intense indignation''.

Thus say the LORD:
''Say to the leaders of the world, whom I empower for the protection of My holy law; Whom contrary to their election, defile rather than edify.
Becouse the continue in these ungodly deeds, and refuse to repent, They shall be doomed to eternal codemnation, when I visit the earth for judgement.
Make them understand how it feel to be succumed under incessant grieve, And tell these rebellious leaders what a great pain it is, when time, nature and unwanted retribute are against the soul of man.
Indeed all that you had suffered is too small to be compare to the easy side of their wrathful retributes''.

Thus says the LORD:
''I delight not in the death of any sinner, Therefor repent of all thy ungodly acts, and destroy every license thou had issued to enhance ungodly acts, that I may have mercy on thee, and cleanse thee from thy filthiness.
But if ye refuse to return, to My fountain of living water, Then it shall come to pass that the boiling water in the oceans of my indignation, and the rosting winds of the indignating heavens shall empty themself spiritually upon the earth, with great power of destruction upon the wicked, and of blessing upon the godly - As it were to Shadrach, Mesharch, and Abed-nego.
That is the begining of their sorrows, Therefor repent and live''.

Thus say the LORD to the heads of Apostates:
''How long will you change the glory of My rest for what I do not hallow nor sanctify?
Will you O man!
Will you decide for your maker the day of His rest?
How long will they flatter praise and worship, whose hearts are against the holy laws?
How long will they flatter benedictions whose hearts are incubators of acrid maledictions?
Their lips are polished with encouraging words of hope, But their heart breed deadly asps against the same they flatter.
Though they conceal their flatteries in a most magnificience eloquence, Yet will I expose them, even to the simplest of men, when I visit them for their apostacy.
According to the multitude of their flatteries shall my furious indignation drain them to the lees of destruction''.

All ye apostate, repent of thy apostacy!
Our LORD God is slow to anger, abiding in love, and His mercy shall never fail whoever truely repent of its ungodliness.
Repent when the light is yet shinning!
The dark hour comes closer every minute.
There is no repentance in the hours of darkness.
The Lord must appear at the dawn of the new day, and summons all souls for eternal glory or woe.

apostle4 22.06.09 - 09:10pm

Acquaint yourself with God befor the night hour, according to His holy will, as it is written in the holy book of life.

The mysterious transformation of my soul from the valley of despair and infamy, to the glorious mountain of prophecy and apostleship;
Typifies the unbounded glory to be administered (By God) in the now and later life of those who tremble at His call of repentance, forsake their ungodly acts, and return to Him, with whole heart, mind, soul and strenght.

Thus says the LORD:
''Ungodly legislations and ungodly acts had fill the entire world with spiritual darkness.
The earth's midday is spiritually dark as its midnight.
I send My Light (which can never be shadowed by any form of darkness) into the world, That whosoever walk in It, shall never be overcome by darkness, but receive the power to break lose from powers of darkness, and be safe.
Those who have ear to hear, let them hear''.

If ye will obey the voice of God, and walk in His part, ye shall be bless, and the powers of thy enerny shall trample under thy feets;
Thy blessing shall pile-up like sand of sea shoes in multitude, and all thy previous acts of ungodliness shall be remember no more.
The glory of God's grace shall absolutely perform all His promises at the appointed time.


Wisdom is the solid rock upon which the foundation of unbroken peaceful living is built.
It's the unshakeable rock upon which seated the foundations of antique most successful monarchs.
It's the chief architect of ancient heros, and the inspiration behind antique sage's masterpiece.
O that wisdom can be weigh in a material balance!
A kilograms of finest gold must doubtless be less-than the worth of a gram of wisdom.
Whoever find wisdom, finds eternal life, incessant peace, and infallible counselor in all realms of life.

Wisdom is worth seeking, But whoever seek after her must be diligent to the behold the wisdom that comes from God.
There is a godly (Divine), and ungodly (Sensual) wisdom.
Whoever seek after her must be scrupulous to designate divine from sensual wisdom.

Sensual wisdom are pest to the major desire of an immortal soul.
They are characterized with impotency and infamy in the following scriptures of holy bible:
Isaiah 29:14;
1corinthians 1:20; 2:5, 3:19; And
James 3:13-17.
Sensual wisdom is oft demonic.
It astonish the soul with hoodwinking auspicious, that infatuate the eternal peaceful hope of an immortal soul.
Most of the fabulous fortunates of this limited age are produce by sensual wisdom, Yet they aren't remedy to the eternal woes of God's wrath, to be administered upon all unrepented ungodliness at the consumation of mortality.
What shall it profit to gain the world by sensual wisdom, in the untimely journey from womb to tomb, and be cast into eternal lake of flaming fire in the days of eternity?

Blessed are ye who bear the seal of eternal salvation, great is thy eternal reward in the blessed kingdom of God.
Woe to ye who refuse to bear the Lord's mark of eternal salvation, thy bitter anguish shall be frequently aggravated in the soon coming judgement of God.

What are sensual wisdom?
They are philosophical, secularist, and menthodological notions or speculations, whose tacts, ideal, and exhibitions may in any way (Directly or indirectly) be linked-up to insurrection against God's unalterable laws.
They are enemy to godly wisdom, been insubordinate to the will of God.

Godly (Divine) wisdom comes from the bossom of God, and are bestow upon His beloved subjects as mark of perculiar affections.
Antique sages calls it the *

apostle4 28.06.09 - 08:58pm
'The fear of God'.
Divine wisdom is pure, holy, meek, and absolutely obedience to God's law.
The fear of God is the only potential seed of eternal life; which sown, it grow-up, and becomes tree of profound knowledge of God, yield unique fruit of undestanding.
To the faithful children of Almighty benefactor's sinai and zion covenant, were given the architectural code of divine wisdom; to reclay and access them into magnificence vessels of supernatural signs and wonders, to the glory of God.
To them the following were given, to know the inexpressible lenght of superiority of divine wisdom above sensual wisdom, so as to secure their gifted priceless treasures of eternal life from universal deceptive vices of fooly and infatuation, conseal in smooth flatteries of worldly gratification, leading to eternal condemnation.

Wisdom is better than weapons of war.
She hadn't lost any battle, niether will she until the consumation of mortality.
Success and victory are in her arms.
Knowledge is power.
Understanding is the strenght of unbroken harmony.
Power had fail so many mighty monarchs, and so many harmonized relationship had been dissonanted; But the strenght of wisdom is infallible, and unbroken is its cord of peace.
The space between sun and earth is obviously close to immesurable distance, Yet the potential superiority of divine wisdom above sensual wisdom exceed the space between earth and sun, when elongated.
The fear of God is the beging of eternal fruitful wisdom.
The abject of divine wisdom is mega much favorable than sensual wisdom on its loftiest corruptible glory.
To discern and acknowledge what is, or not acceptible in the holy eyes of God, by His moral instructions, is the begining of God's profoundest knowledge.
The begining of God's knowledge is much more profitable than the most exuberant intellect of sensual wisdom, which are carnal philosophies, refusing the supreme faith of the invisable omnipotency of God, been capitalized on visable things; refusing to acknowledge the factual testimony of visable things as products of invisable things.
Denouncing whatever is not condenmed by God's holy instructions, and steadfast heartfelt adherence to God's holy instructions, is the most magninificence treasure to uphold in the mysterious flight of womb to tomb.

The gospel of calvery cross is the only evidential trustful doctrine of life.
Whoever abide in calvery doctrine shall eat and drink freely from the tree of life, and the fountains living water. *

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