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Subject: Dumped and i dont know why?
Replies: 6 Views: 817

edelp 15.06.09 - 12:30am
I had been seein this guy for a few months and one day we slept together. a few weeks later i noticed my period was late! I imediately freaked out and was convinced i was pregnant so i text him and told him the story. He freaked out and told me to get a test and that he would meet me later to find out the result. Later that evening he drove down and met me, but had another girl with him. He kept sayin it was his cousin. Anyway she ed off for a bit. the only thing he said to me was well wat did it (the test) say? Thankfully it was negative and he was so relieved. he ran out to tell his cousin and came back again!! he never once asked me was i ok, he wouldnt touch me and he wouldnt look at me! he said he was going to get a drink and that he'd be back in a few mins. turns out he drove back home and left me there in bits. later that evenin i textd him to get answers but he never replied. then his cousin text me and started tellin me to stay away from him and give him space. Ha give him space? the test was negative, wat was he freakin out about? im the one who'd have to carry it for 9 mnths if positive. there was no sympathy for me. it was all about poor him! anyway wat i cant understand is why he left me with no explanation? Im driving myself crazy thinkin bout it. I need answers!! Its the least i deserve!!! *

shy_gal1 26.06.09 - 02:41pm
oh dnt b broken heart gal jus try n 4gt hm u knw nxt tym jus dnt let a guy take advntge of u .thy r ol lyk tat afta gtng wt thy want thy leave u al alone dnt let hm dstry ur lyf .try 2 4gt hm cz if he lovd u he wud nva ve ran away 4rm u .trust me gal *

edelp 22.07.09 - 02:22am
Yeah i hear ya hun. Thanks for that. I'm well over it now. Ive moved on and im happy nw *

shy_gal1 1.07.10 - 10:23pm
Am glad 2hea dat .n hpy 4u. *

chloeyy5 24.11.10 - 05:51pm
Hey switie let me gv u a tip play hrd 2 get clz dem legz a bt & c f he hz an agenda on hvng s**.You dsrv 2 b hpy am here *

def0123 22.12.10 - 11:02am
Oh am so sorry for wat happened. All guys are not like that but i can see from what you said is that mayb the guy is not old enough to do what you both did. Mayb he doesn't want to be a father yet and he was scared. Don't worry all will be well get on wit your life and be focused. *

mtayamu1 7.05.11 - 07:06pm
Breakn up z nt da solution b cool tak tym men choose to stay put on certain matters bcoz of da cir tances sorounding the case so da guy hasnt uttered a word n u never knw w@ z in hs mind dnt just act anyhw gv hm tym h wl surely come back to u.If u dvlop a tendacy of breaking up wen evr u hv a misunderstanding hw many break ups wld u hv eee! *

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