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Subject: Wateva philosophy?Itz 4 life!
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raihan_c 25.04.08 - 11:12pm
Dr.binoy thinks(according 2 sr shakspear),AL individuals hv their own philosophy of lyf,though dey may nt b conscious of it.Philosophy contstitutes da visn of da individuals by meanz of wich dey look around da world n on da basis of wich dey conduct their life.All their actionz reflect their philosophy.Ya,obsolutely i agree wid dis.hmm ppl may b progressive-minded or conservative,modrn or old-fashioned,benevolent or malevolent.These characteristics c*m 4rm their philosopy of lyf.I wat way ppl'll get along is dependnt on hw dey view da world.Da world_view grows in an individual naturaly n spontaneously in interaction wid da nvironmnt.bt i think moral philosophy in particular gives an individual da sense of gud n evil.It makes him/her da hater or lover of sumthing,da killar or saver of sumbody.Weaknss in moral philosopy may lead 1 2 b a destrctve force in society.On da adar hand,sound moral philosopy makes 1da agent of welfare.Evry subjct as taught in institutionz n xercised in sociallife has a philosofy.There is philosopy of scienc,arts n commerc.There is philosofy of politics(I hate it),history n education.Nothin in lyf n society runs widout philosofy.Itz da theoretical vigour wid wich a subjct works.It builds n bolsters da very foundation of a subjct.Itz dis sense dat a successfL researchr in any subjct is given a PhD(Doctor of philosofy) or MPhil(master of phil..)degree.Da more deeply a subjct is studied,da better philosofy is met.In dis process phil..has contributed mightly 2 da advancs of noledge on al fronts 2wards greatr undrstndin of da world,visibl or invisibl,tangibl or intangibl.My most fvrt thoughs abt Philosofy dat it hs inspired men 2 xplain da world mechanicaly,engaging dem in scientific investigation n technological innovation.Eventualy,i can say,itz essentialy integrated wid life.Itz all of life n al 4 life.It promises 2 settle any intellectual prblm concerning life.It creates scope 4 deeper realization of da meaning of lyf(or meaningless of lyf like me!ha,ha)wateva u thnk? *

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