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Subject: Relationships
Replies: 10 Views: 867
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nikan 23.04.08 - 10:58pm
What sensible course leads to decline of a relationship and in most cases who causes it? *

penigma 26.05.08 - 07:28am
Its never who mostly causes da degradation it a 50-50 situation in my opinion relationships need a constant a foundation on which to take root upon if tis foundation is non existence then thea is no reasonable hope of its survival. Tis foundation could be friendship, a common background professional interests career even intimacy so long as both share tis as a common denominator all is well bt then thea r classes nd levels to tis i would root 4friendship its a cool constant tht can b depended upon so if to begin wit if both parties feel da same on tis i call foundation nd anchor thea relationship on tis it can always be da still point during those shaky patches on thea tym together wot do u think ppl? *

ssylollo 3.08.08 - 10:57pm
Tz unprdctbl huz rspnsbl in a rltnshp tz a dedctn dfrnt cuplz av dfrnt prblmz bt Trust,devotn n cmfrt 4 1 anatha is a bg prblm. Try spcn da rltnsh *

bassanio 14.08.08 - 09:12am
U c a rlshp declines whn there is no faithfulnes ad trust b2n the parties involved. On the contrary poor decision making ad ignorance plays a big role in decline of rlshps. *

bassanio 14.08.08 - 09:18am
I also agree with penigma. If there is a poor foundation 2 begin with then the rlshp wil neva work no mata hw deep the affection u hav 4 each atha. In other wads transparency in foundation. *

bassanio 14.08.08 - 09:19am
U c a rlshp declines whn there is no faithfulnes ad trust b2n the parties involved. On the contrary poor decision making ad ignorance plays a big role in decline of rlshps. *

nikan 14.08.08 - 03:30pm
Bassanio is absolutely right. We were born out of love so as 2 be lovd. If 2 parties r so dip in wat they do then they r faithful. Bt responsibility is 4 BOTH since *

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