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Subject: Your identity
Replies: 17 Views: 1645
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weespoon 28.04.08 - 06:59am
All i gotta say is 'vive le revolutione' *

barri 30.04.08 - 11:08pm
Identity,religions,labels,all classic divide and conquer apparatus,we get split along lines of race and religion,sub-divided further by s*xuality,musical tastes,fashion...all to prevent us uniting and opening our eyes to see the totalitarian surveillance state we've sleepwalked into...we took our eyes of the ball,now its backs to the wall,i'm not voting any more-they're all liars,theives and hippocrites-its as futile as voting for your method of execution...the outcome is always the same...tbc :-) *

barri 30.04.08 - 11:15pm
Oh and why do we need to vote for 'leaders'? I'm not a follower,i'm happy doing my own thing,democracy should be about a lot more than putting an X in a box every now and again,but it aint,we've been cheated so its time for war :-) i'll meet you at the barricades and again at the gallows my friends THE SYSTEM ;-) *

cybipunk 1.05.08 - 01:00pm
Well said Barri x I've never registerd to vote, if i had even the vaines hope that my vote would make the slightest bit of difference maybe i would x but as it is the political partys are so grey and indefined, i don't even bother 2go and spoil my ballot sheet x I have no passport, no driving licence and i'm not on the electoral register x for all intents and purposes I have no real identity x *

weespoon 1.05.08 - 03:37pm
d*mn baz its about time you posted somethin up here,and somethin quite intelligent to my man. I know exactly wer your comin from, sake i live in 2 country wer the government is ruled and overlooked by criminals, murderers, bombers, extortionists and thieves. I can't believe my taxes pay their wages *

damned 1.05.08 - 07:56pm
Barri said it all. I think some on this earth feel the need to segregate, in order to control. If you pigeon hole people it seems easier to do. There is a complete lack of empathy, tolerance, understanding and free will in this world, all because we are dictated to. There is no such thing as the free world! The weak flock like sheep so they feel like they belong. While the strong minded stay true to themselves by purely following a path without forced regulations or opinions apon them. *

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