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Subject: This is a . . .
Replies: 10 Views: 2503
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burtonia 11/10/2006 - 10:46:33
. . . Gr8 group! 2thumbs_up.GIF In fact the whole Group feature is a gr8 addition 2 Pro, dontch think? nod.GIF I've got a group 4 ppl in the Midlands, if u'd like 2 join come 2 http://Burtonia.wapgroups. com happy.GIF *

gbopp 11/11/2006 - 8:17:18
http://prodigits.wapgroup.com *

el.mo 11/26/2006 - 4:36:09
I agree that the groups are a gr8 addition 2 pro. Maybe this post could b renamed promote your group and let the members tell every1 about the groups they own or have visited and think r gr8. My group is elmo. Its a fun group. *

burtonia 11/26/2006 - 10:34:28
That's not a bad idea, n I'm goin 2 av a luk at ur group 2thumbs_up.GIF *

burtonia 11/26/2006 - 10:51:43
Wen u let me in grin.GIF *

el.mo 12/6/2006 - 8:55:13
Lol. i let u in as soon as i found yor request, which u wod know neway by now as i always send a msg 2 the new members. *

sid 12/7/2006 - 9:44:12
nice! :) *

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