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Subject: chasing dreamz
Replies: 6 Views: 1516

askillz 9/13/2007 - 5:16:35
th1s g1ve ya11 rapper who are yet 2make 1t an 0pp0rtunity t0 lyr1ca11y express that j0rney.h0la! *

hrdcore0 9/23/2007 - 6:15:01
I spit a wh0le lot cuz i got sht 0n ma chest ma girl keep stresn me dats y i made her a ex i explod wit ma wordz so i w0nt grab da tech day kal me hrdcore foe a resn so wat u expect grew up n da h0od where i learnd bou dope an dat c0ke i make dm mthafukas fil it n throats u aint knw i ben here b4 an ma lyf aint get much beta bt i hav kame up 0n a whole lot m0 cheda *

askillz 9/24/2007 - 3:13:08
n aga1n the game g1vez s0meb0dy a reasn 2 1ive/1 kn0 why 1m stressed 0ut but 1 was 0b1iv10s t0 that gift/n that 1s 0bservance/aks what the p0wer 0 a11iance,1t br0ught me gr1ef lk 1 n0 1onger trust,1nscr1bed 1n me lk a cu1ture/lyf 1s hard,can never be p0et1ca11y expressd/lyf 1s a ,u c0urt n never retrace l0st steps/u try that,u d n t1ed/d0n be shy,try whats w0rse 1s that marr1age/1m sti11 try1n/jus kn0 0ne day the w0r1d w1d be m1ne/w0rd *

hrdcore0 9/26/2007 - 6:41:54
Man i want da world 2 b mines 2 show deeze who dai am an wat i do i spit da truth an lyk it when girlz get lo0se o yes im gay bt y would it matr 2 u do wat i do an u do yo thang 2 i aint n0 bich so dats y da beamz 0n u i do ma do i hustle if i fkn gota 2 keep dat m0ney n ma pocket an ma m0m wit dolas al femz do holla day knw dat 0ne thang is propa il b ya fatha al she gota do she gota spread dm legz wider an cuf her neck n0 prblm bt bk 2 gangsta sht oh im dat gangsta nig i split anthrz wig do u dig im sorry bt im ignarnt how u fil i gota get it how i live im 24 im spitn wisd0m 2 deeze kidz *

askillz 29.09.07 - 04:13am
w1zd0m 1m expected/daug ma handz t0 mase1f then 1m respected/animated wayz 0 a h00d nga/the b1gger the sh0ez the b1gger 1ipz 4 luda/car1caturez w0rk t0 y0 fame lk a campaign/1m a rapper but ma handz r f1t f0r a chap1ain/they say fi1thy rich but 1m rea11y s0 c1ean/lk 1 kn0 when br0ke 1m1k the ange1 0 d0ugh/expectat1onz change lk bush's r0le/1 make way 4the 0therz lk me/c0me 0utta h00d get respect n u sh0u1d/destined 2make a difference/a granduer bness 0 em ngaz ghett0 preference/1m tawkin dayz 0 hardw0rk n pay 0ffs/day 0ffs/getchy0 se1f ahead y0ung b1ack entreprenuer/ma fee1ingz hid,just want t0 succeed t1me t0 insure/ho1me 1m ready *

askillz 10.12.07 - 08:07am
Check out ma groups at http//askillz23.hi5.com Still killin' it.Log on witchya pc *

spitter 1.02.09 - 06:24pm
Yes we chasing dreams its askillz back on the scene wit the spitter tripping while his team is clean but sht hw am i about to succeed? yo im back when i break laws i break jaws coz im about to kill wack mceez wit my lyrical claw yeah im raw but immortal technique i adore coz askillz is here but the spitter dnt fear coz im like a spear killin every0ne thru their rears lol askillz is dope but the dreams dnt have hope coz spitter and askillz wil cope we are known as the lyrical popes yeah thats rite we dope *

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