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Star Deluxe
Everyday is a new adventure and everyday has a meaning: YESTERDAY is history nd we call it the past - TODAY is a gift this is y we call it present - but TOMORROW is yet to come nd thats y its called the future.. LiFe is A joURneY and not a competition...

Group Founder: teetitie
Description: A New day coMeS with neW posSibiLIties, New opportunities and new dreams... SomeTiMes oUr souLS go doWN and we feel there is nothing to make us happy... but this family is here to help in any way, share ideas, help each other, raise hopes for the future, to be pacesetters for starters, sprinters, runners, and winners, to help find and develop the hidden talent in an individual in order to be useful to your environment nd to other people. heY U caN AlSO do Ur HomeworK here. welcome to new members
Group Type: Public join
Members: 63
Category: Fun > General

Topics (13)

go MON - NOM (6) teetitie
go if (0) nicky24m
go MANGO FRUITS (1) thepaul
go Gates (2) cobby94
go THEOKELES (2) cobby94

Photos (7)

0 1 2 3 4

Files (3)

0 No time
1 brackets
2 Midi

Links (8)

go Wap portal for you.
go Free mobile gamez, apps, tones, wall papers and services.
go Free games and apps for all phones
go Opera mini for ur phone, fast browser than many so called wap 2 browsers.
go Thousands of ebook at just a click.


Polls (7)

go Which one do u think u can take?
go What do u do when u r free or on ur leisure or spare time?
go The one u love the most.
go Which one would u prefer?
go When was the last time u read a book?


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