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Star MenofGondor
The strongest hold in Middle Earth is Minas Tirith, city of Kings, capital of Gondor... All fans of LOTR and Gondorians, join my group.. I'm wating for you.

Group Founder: faramir1
Description: My hometown is MINAS TIRITH! I was born there. I spent all my childhood there, and I'm very proud on my town and GONDOR! My father is Denethor, Lord and Steward of Gondor.. I'm proud captain.. I'm not Isildur's heir, but I'm proud what I am. Join me in this battle, join me to answering on warnings from Mordor... Let's do Sauron DEAD! We must destroy him, and send him and his blood worms to hell...
Group Type: Public join
Members: 4
Category: People > Alternative

Topics (3)

go **new lotr group! ** (1) candyqty
go Fav character (4) aryachan
go Favorite villain (2) janfer

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