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danielalex's Groups

* Girls-4-Girls > danielalex's Groups (Joined):

Star FemCatsPlayGroup join
Welcome To The Fun House. New Full Mp3s, Mobile Screensavers & Wallpapers, Animations, Original iPhone Pics, Desktop Wallpapers & Animated Themes.

Formed on 10th June 2010 to replace all those Boring Kenyan Groups on Prodigts.It has topics ranging from sports,hookups,rltnshps,hanyes..,2gther with all genres of music and pics.

Star HotNBothered join
For the open-minded, people who aren't afraid to be s*xual.

Star SA-Lesbianchat join

Star Nawtypixwelcome join
c*m on bi girls and lesbian girls add your nawty pix

Star blondiepics join
pics of me, ask nicely and I might add you ;)

Star People-wit-lesbians join
Y is it people always judge u b4 they even knw u? c*m av a laugh with us if ur single get ur pics up ms/mr right mite be out there.

Star Truekenyanlesbians join
For lesbians who are tired of acting straight while their hearts scream out their s*xuality.For those of us who seriously want long term relationships and true love.

Star Femmesforstuds join
Lesbian group for femmes and studs!

Star Ozlesbians join
Single and looking


* Girls-4-Girls (8)


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