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Star Ideaz
For all the bright ideas on how 2 make an extra buck from home, how 2 sustain it no matter how small & the experiences along the route 2 financial freedom. Anything & everything welcome, u never who it mite help on these trying times.

Group Founder: theblack
Description: From the wackiest 2 the incredible ideas on how 2 make that extra cash from home, especially designed 4 the youth, bt everyone welcome ! This site aims 2 engage & help all those who feel left out of the gravy trains by giving them ideas on what 2 do with the little they have in order 4 survival. Its high time we as the youth 2 start taking the future into our hands, hopefully creating wealth 4 generations 2 come. Every idea is needed no matter how stupid/wacky it may sound 2 u, it may jst put food on another person's table & imagine the greatness u will feel at the fact that u've actually helped at least 1 person in high-cost-of-living world. So come on, put ur thinking caps on (or dont) n get texting, remember; no formalities here, write it as it comes out of ur big head ! Also, dnt forget the humour, we r 2 young 2 b serious, bt it must b in English, the universal language so anyone can read it.
Group Type: Public join
Members: 10
Category: Business, Work, and School > Financial

Topics (2)

go EARN 20dollar/40 COMMENTs (0) jb1213
go Money !! (0) theblack

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