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Star spiritualhangout
a place for spiritualists, mediums, psychics, and anyone with similar intrests to hangout.

Group Founder: zeromus
Description: hey bit of a chatbox here for like minded peeps so feel to post and ask questions. im very close to spiritualism due to my spirit encounters @ young age and as time went by u realise many peeps experience the same so i hope to find similar friends @ here. even now im stil learning everyday and exploring to hopefully find the bigger picture in it all. spiritualism is the communicating with spirits to pass messages on to the living. but the moral of it is the belief in 'life after death' and that we return to our true home the world of spirit after death.
Group Type: Public join
Members: 22
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Spirituality

Topics (11)

go psychics and mediums (3) zeromus
go Cn any1 sense danger and emoti (0) tko3245
go Pls do a reading 4 me! (2) rtsa
go spiritualism (4) zeromus
go The power (0) jp_1

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