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Star Necromancers
This is for begginer to advance practicioners of The Necronomicon (The book of the dead)

Group Founder: sxy916
Description: This is where real practicioners of The Necronomicon can chat and exchange info about the book and its spells or how to do them.But Beware Of The spells and book strange and dangerous events will occur and maybe death if not expireanced enough to handle such great power and evil.I warn all to be careful whom you give information or recieve.Make sure its acurate before attempting the spells and opening the 7gates. Lets unite and rule the dead.Enjoy your stay here.
Group Type: Public join
Members: 20
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Occult

Topics (4)

go Requirement (2) mikesto
go Beginner (1) mikesto
go are you sure..? (0) miaow666
go hi (0) faiyaaz

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