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Star 4Ladiesonly
This group is designed 2 minister 2 the sensitive womans heart the weaker vesel as FATHER GOD refers 2 u not bcos u r physicaly weak but bcos ur sensitive and anything that is sensitive needs to be protected. Lets go in2 the WORD of GOD!

Group Founder: true
Description: This group is 2 minister the needs of the feminine heart,i was worshiping a while back and i remember GOD telling me 2 tell woman about my FATHER i.e the relationship we are previleged to have with HIM. This group is designd 2 assist you in your walk with FATHER GOD, for you to find yourself in HIM. Through HIS WORD HE counsels u, through HIS BLOOD HE redeems u and PROTECTS u through HIS HOLY SPIRIT. Many times you'l find me quoting td jakes simply because he is my mentor, though i dont know him personaly but i believe GOD speaks through him into the feminine soul and has used him in my life.
Group Type: Public join
Members: 34
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Christianity

Topics (23)

go Dating born agains (4) 2blessed
go Tabernacles (0) namasuku
go SISTAHOOD [9] namasuku
go ESTHER [8] true

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