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nivea4's Groups

* Poets > nivea4's Groups (Joined):

Formed on 10th June 2010 to replace all those Boring Kenyan Groups on Prodigts.It has topics ranging from sports,hookups,rltnshps,hanyes..,2gther with all genres of music and pics.

Star Lover join
This group is for singles that want a relationship.

Star SA-Lesbianchat join

Star COOMBS1 join

Star Advice join
Come and share problems and receive advice, or give your own advice to someone else. Caring and sharing-that's the idea anyway.

Star People-wit-lesbians join
Y is it people always judge u b4 they even knw u? c*m av a laugh with us if ur single get ur pics up ms/mr right mite be out there.

Star Ozlesbians join
Single and looking

Star Poets join
Poetry writings

Star DaRkNeSssssssss join
4 people who beliv DaRkNeSs is not jst a way of life bt a thirst.

Star Fembinlezgals join
For any fem gal that wants another fem gal


* Poets (8)


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