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Star thegroupforangels
i am an angel and i wish to share my knowledge

Group Founder: prismf
Description: i shall share my knowledge under different headings that have been created by yoursleves in the societies you live in. give and take in all things my friends. i have so much knowledge to share and my own answers to them. i cannot make your mind up. i can only share.i have come out of the wilderness i was sent back into as i was told it was not my time yet. and yes my guardian was right. it was not. i love my family. they are good eggs. not perfect or do things the way i do myself but i love them for being just themselves.even during the annoying times.i shall choose to leave my blog black and white as in my own eye i have no colour. and i see the black and white of things so clearly. if you wish to join me in my thoughts you are most welcome to. maybe i have some of the answers you yourself are looking for. maybe i have not and you will need to continue your own journey to find your own journey and your own answers. i cannot tell you how to think. i can only guide and use my own knowledge wisely. i was also given the wisdom of the lord. through creation itself. he just put me here again to remind me why i know so much. and to reawaken in myself why i am actually here. i am the protector. of freedom of mind. that is my knowledge. and i believe what i wish to believe and take opinions on board. and learn from other angel opinions and change my own too as a result of shared knowledge.life is a learning curve my fellow angels. once you have found the angel within yourself you know this. as i do myself. but i cannot tell you how to find yourself. only guide.
Group Type: Public join
Members: 8
Category: > Music

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