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Cars&Motor Sports Forum

From: tekt0nix
Subject: impretza 2l turbo
@ mikeymk - 23.05.14 - 01:58am
I'd love to help but i have next to no experience with either Scooby engines or turbos.

My only experiences are of a mate loosing his mains because he had the wrong head gaskets fitted and got oil starvation.. Something you might wanna bear in mind if you ever get low oil pressure to the heads.
On that engine before it went, i had to helicoil the starter motor threads because they were virtually stripped - that was a pig of a job due to access.

Think he bought it off the same person you bought yours off..

Turbos, well they're easy if you can just change the cartridge. My ex-mrs Golf's turbo went, fairly simple case of replacing the cartridge after cleaning up the ally inlet housing face and stripping/cleaning the wastegate.
(pic is of me holding the inlet housing and impeller to show the huge wear gap!)

Trouble with those Scoobies is they get messed about with, end up with non-standard parts, and you could do with some knowledge as to precisely what you should/do have there.

I take it you've tried Scooby clubs/forums..?

Lol how do you fit a wrong headgasket?
18.07.15 - 12:46am
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