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Vodacom WiFi here - Page 1/4

Subject: Vodacom WiFi here
Replies: 23 Views: 3662
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hexsist 13.04.08 - 08:23pm
Telkom's 50 share in Vodacom is shining through of late. While Wi-Fi access around the world is more often than not cheaper than an Egg Mcmuf*in, here in South Africa you will have to stoop down to such levels as to pay R79 for 100MB. Yes, R79 for 100MB. That equates to R790 for 1GB. Almost 3 times as much as HSDPA rates. So all the sissies overseas who moan about bandwidth prices can now rest * +

hexsist 13.04.08 - 08:25pm
assured that there is now, once again, a South African telecommunications provider who rips the a*se out of prices and instills a feeling of 'aaaahhhhhhhhhh thank God I'm not there' in everyone living abroad. Yebo Gogo, these prices will make you Ama Broke-O Broke-O! We can only imagine the gasps from exasperated pommies, Oi!!, Wot!? blood hell geyser, you 'avin me on?! * +

hexsist 13.04.08 - 08:28pm
That's 'alf the cost of me blood connection back 'ome!! * +

hexsist 13.04.08 - 08:30pm
Just a quote from : HELKOM.CO.ZA - Thought It was so true and posted it here to share with you lot. What a lovely country we live in ain't it? * +

blucar 14.04.08 - 12:21am
Hexist i share the same passion that you have! If only there was someway to actually bring these a hole mobile networks down! They all n rip offs!..i hope when Zuma is president he shoots down all 3 stupid networks!...we are totally being ripped off!.most ppl don care n wont complain! Think its about time action should be taken! u voda n mtn for helping to skrew the country! * +

hexsist 14.04.08 - 12:59am
Oh its a lost cause. Just like zimbabweans won't get mugabe out, we won't get the goverment to let loose of their stranglehold over our Communications industry. I think the real reason the goverment is exploiting their hand in telkom is so that they can make enough money to feed the poor. How else will they manage to feed a 60percent unemployed country. With taxpayers(middleclass) leaving en mass? * +

5mpxcam 14.04.08 - 11:50am
southafrica, seems the aperthied voice u had is n0w g0ne...u should fight...in kenya 0nly two networks are there 0ne u have it already, vodafone, and the other one celtel...as econet is set for july * +

5mpxcam 14.04.08 - 11:53am
but down south u hav so many networks, and the gsm technology has been there since ages...we 1st had celtel in 1999...at call rates u guyz were having in 2004...then vodafone at the 4Q of 1999... * +

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