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Subject: kis
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jay.mack 7.09.10 - 11:03pm
comodos detection rate is around the 80percent mark. its avetage by any av standard. it doesnt even make the top 10 on av-comparatives. even the comodo forum dont think the detection rate is that good. * +

jay.mack 7.09.10 - 11:07pm
as for blocking by using a limited account it doesnt realy work. you have to have administrator prive just to run some apps on windows. or even create/move and app from the programfiles. a bit pointless as you swapping usability for security. if you securtity apps are good enough you can run with admin privs i do and have not felt the presence of an infection in over 2 years, since i switched to * +

jay.mack 7.09.10 - 11:09pm
emsisoft amtimalware (a-squared 5 pro) and avira. i download 10-25gigs of data a night, visit wares, p*rn and hack sites basicaly do everything your warned not to yet my pc is as fast today as it was 10 months ago when i installed it. * +

jay.mack 7.09.10 - 11:13pm
i aint bulls**tting either. my security is 99.6 percent effective on an independant rating. yes i get the odd false posative but they just get queryed and a couple of days l8ter i get an all clear. kaspersky is only second in its detection to the av monster that is avk which uses 2 detection engines. kas/kis 10 has a very respectable 99 percent + detection of known malware and 96 percent for * +

jay.mack 7.09.10 - 11:23pm
unknown heuristics detections. comodo although getting better is still in the low 90percents. independantly verifyed. * +

radelink 7.09.10 - 11:24pm
Your not blocking a virus. Are u nuts. I said help your av out by using a limited users acount. Running on a admin acount gives malware all the rights to your system. On a limited users acount it don't have the right to cause much damage and its easy to remove. On any security site they stress about this so your saying running a admin acount and a limited users acount won't make A difference is WRONG!!! Its the unsafest thing you can do!!!! * +

jay.mack 7.09.10 - 11:27pm
if you think comodo is good the post links to independant tests. as the independant testers will always give a farer assesment than a promoter. * +

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