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**FaQ Please READ!** - Page 1/12

Subject: **FaQ Please READ!**
Replies: 84 Views: 28875
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dani2xll 22.05.06 - 12:07am
this is an admin information... question and answer post.. More subjects will be added, as and when we think of them...Irrelevant replies will be deleted... The post can be brought up when people have questions and they can be added to this topic.. instead of putting up admin posts... * +

dani2xll 22.05.06 - 12:07am
WAP SITE PIC PROBLEMS. When sending pic's check each code once and write them down.. go straight offline and send 'em. After they've been sent.. do NOT go back into edit wapsite/photo album, as this will make the codes change and your pic's won't be recieved. For any further help look on main menu/ help menu/ FAQ * +

dani2xll 22.05.06 - 12:08am
CAN'T EDIT MY WAPSITE.. can't get in my guestbook etc. There's an ongoing problem with the sites.. it's either a bug or a glitch in the wapsite program. Twilight is aware of this and it's being worked on. Wapsite access is also restricted when work is being done on them or they're being upgraded. So if you can't do summit, just WAIT and try again later on.... * +

dani2xll 22.05.06 - 12:08am
YOU KEEP GETTING BOOTED .clear your cache. * +

dani2xll 22.05.06 - 12:08am
CAN'T SEE MY BUDS.. when i know they're online. If a user stays online constantly for around 5 hours they become invisible... no idea why. Inbox them and tell them to relog on, then they will become visible again. * +

dani2xll 22.05.06 - 12:08am
WHY DO MY POSTS ALWAYS GET DELETED? ..reasons for deletions. Post was in the wrong forum.. forum titles are self explainitory, use correct forums for subjects.. general is for everything not covered by other forums. Post was a personal message to one user, use your inbox. Pointless posts.. any posts containing just a clip art will be deleted.. also posts with no subject, no content..CONT- * +

dani2xll 22.05.06 - 12:09am
..no content, ie 'i'm bored'. Chat posts, ie 'hello,who wants to chat?' if you wanna chat.. use chat.. not forums. Forums are for discussion of topics. Any post containing the name of another site, asking for other sites, asking for ringtones etc. Any post containing swearing, sick or unsuitable subject matter, racism, abuse or antagonistic material liable to offend users. Moaning at admin posts! * +

dani2xll 22.05.06 - 12:09am
I WANT TO CLOSE MY PRODIGITS ACCOUNT !!!! Go to preferences from main menu + preferences Remember when your account is closed, anyone can register it again. * +

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