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Subject: Jscott
Replies: 68 Views: 30381
alladin 26.05.15 - 09:30pm
Anyone remember this cool admin ? Where are you metul j! Symbian era! * +
3mel 26.05.15 - 11:39pm
his name keeps popping up on my facebook suggestions... * +
crail 27.05.15 - 04:58pm
i cant remember you being such an div in those days alladin. you usesd to make sense going by your ramblings in just for fun youre a bit of a weirdo * +
alladin 30.05.15 - 02:28pm
1ghost years back in Symbian era! deleted!Now someone owns it!we know as developed..SIS then SISX ! * +
dorian2k 4.06.15 - 05:39pm
hmm yea used to be a very cool administration * +
r0ot 5.06.15 - 07:06pm
hey remember those too, there was another one, Anjan I think who used to give out serial keys for apps * +
alladin 7.06.15 - 04:21pm
Anjan he is still around ip-mart * +
alladin 28.07.15 - 03:15pm
* +
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