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n9 or 4s - Page 1/3

Subject: n9 or 4s
Replies: 16 Views: 3287
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ozayr 9.06.12 - 12:52am
hi guys need sum help here plz, I'm due for upgrade and thinking of gettin N9 or iphone 4s 64gig but i need to know if siri works in S.A ? THNX * +

trollulz 9.06.12 - 01:00am
siri is only in the USA i believe. n9 is an amazing device. go for it * +

trollulz 9.06.12 - 01:02am
turns out i was incorrect. but from what I've read siri sucks in south africa * +

trollulz 9.06.12 - 01:04am
still, n9. meego is open source and has a good development community. plus its an outstanding device * +

ozayr 9.06.12 - 01:12am
thnx troll, yep i know n9 is a top device and iv always had nokia, current fone is n8 nd b4 this was n900 nd n82...i think u get the picture by now...lol...neway im a nokia man but i want to experience other os for a change, i was also thinkin * +

ozayr 9.06.12 - 01:13am
of android sony xperia s ???????? * +

3mel 9.06.12 - 01:32am
if not the n9 i'd definitely say android over the iphone. * +

trollulz 9.06.12 - 02:00am
if you want a REAL Linux experience, n9. Android is a pi*s poor interpretation of Linux * +

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