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Inner Development! - Page 1/15

Subject: Inner Development!
Replies: 102 Views: 20078
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mtness 6.02.08 - 09:56am
hey guys, i believe that religion is a tool, a way of life to develop ourselves internally, to become better ppl, more understanding respectful and patient, religion/spirituality as a tool can help benefit the lives of others...how? I dont believe preaching or arguing brings about much change but if we live our faith, develop internally we set a better example 4 others, this helps ppl..... * +

jannah1 6.02.08 - 09:58am
Makes sense * +

mtness 6.02.08 - 10:00am
if we stop looking at others and look inwardly we start to c our own faults and then and only then can we start to remove them, as a bonus we can more easily relate with others as we start to c that we all haue faults, this builds a common ground which can be used to help rather than destroy, in my eyes this is what the world needs! Ur thoughts plz. * +

shadyct 6.02.08 - 01:59pm
Nicely said mtness * +

cor.rupt 6.02.08 - 02:04pm
What should I say? * +

shadyct 6.02.08 - 02:06pm
Well ya its nice to learn others views etc. * +

lucretia 6.02.08 - 02:09pm
Logical and reasonable. Now for us all to implement it... That would be something! * +

mtness 6.02.08 - 11:37pm
ok ill add some spice, no cydr1 im a buddhist, but its just a name the important thing is what lucreta said which is to instigate these thoughts, if we can then, who knows what type of reaction we get, just as a small pebble can make many ripples, dont under estimate how powerful our actions can be, especially if its not words. * +

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